Act Fast: Walk-In Eye Exams Available for Angle Closure Glaucoma in Calgary

Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that necessitates swift medical attention. It's a rapid or sudden increase in the pressure inside the eye, commonly referred to as Intraocular Pressure (IOP). This occurs when the fluid in the eye can't drain properly, causing a blockage of the canals and an alarming buildup of pressure that could potentially damage the optic nerve.

The importance of early detection and intervention cannot be overstated. The swift diagnosis and treatment help mitigate potential irreversible vision loss. Act Fast: Walk-In Eye Exams Available for Angle Closure Glaucoma in Calgary emphasizes on this urgent need. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms, call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall for an emergency eye exam booking with our qualified Calgary Optometrists.

Detecting Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma through Eye Exams

Eye exams are crucial in detecting such conditions early on, especially amongst high-risk individuals. All Calgary Eye Clinics acknowledge this urgency by providing walk-in eye exams specifically tailored for cases like acute angle closure glaucoma. These comprehensive assessments are conveniently available for residents and are designed to provide immediate attention to those requiring it.

Swift Access to Emergency Eye Care Calgary

Prompt availability of such services is a significant step towards ensuring ocular health among Calgary's population. It allows residents to access emergency care swiftly without compromising on quality or precision.

Affordable Eye Exam near you Options

Whether you're seeking an eye exam near you, or curious about the eye exam cost in Calgary or eye exam cost in Alberta, rest assured that there are provisions available for urgent cases. For urgent scenarios, Alberta Health Care covers those visits, essentially making it a free eye exam.

Thus, Calgary stands as a beacon of proactive and accessible healthcare with its provision of walk-in eye exams for emergencies like acute angle closure glaucoma.

Understanding Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a serious eye condition that occurs when the intraocular pressure (IOP) increases rapidly. This can harm the optic nerve and lead to vision loss if not treated promptly.

How Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma Develops

This condition happens because of a problem with how fluid called aqueous humor moves in the eye. Normally, this fluid flows freely through a small space between the coloured part of the eye (iris) and the clear front covering (cornea), known as the anterior chamber, then drains out through special channels.

But for people with acute angle-closure glaucoma:

  1. The iris bulges forward, narrowing or closing off the angle between it and cornea.

  2. This blocks the channels through which aqueous humor should drain.

  3. As a result, the fluid builds up and causes a sudden increase in IOP.

By understanding how each part of the eye works together, we can see why problems like acute angle-closure glaucoma happen when something disrupts this delicate balance.

Recognizing Symptoms and the Urgency of Seeking Immediate Care

Acute angle closure glaucoma presents with a combination of symptoms that are hard to ignore. If you experience any of the following, it is important to seek immediate medical attention:

  • Severe eye pain: An intense, throbbing discomfort in the eye that may be accompanied by swelling.

  • Nausea: Discomfort or queasiness that can escalate to vomiting due to the significant increase in intraocular pressure.

  • Blurred vision: A noticeable decrease in visual acuity, making it difficult to see details clearly.

  • Halos around lights: Coloured rings or bright circles observed around light sources.

If you notice any of these symptoms, do a quick search for the best Optometrist in Calgary and find a Calgary Eye Clinic near you. These symptoms may indicate a blockage in the drainage system of the eye, causing a sudden increase in eye pressure. To confirm the diagnosis, your Eye Doctor may perform the following tests:

  1. Gonioscopy: This procedure examines the drainage angle of the eye to determine if it is closed or blocked.

  2. Tonometry: A test that measures the pressure inside the eye.

Immediate treatment is crucial for acute angle closure glaucoma because it can lead to irreversible damage to the optic nerve and permanent vision loss within hours. Delaying medical intervention can have serious consequences. It is important to remember that self-diagnosis and home remedies are not effective in this situation. Only a healthcare professional can provide the necessary care and prevent long-term vision problems.

Diagnosis, Treatment, and the Role of Eye Exams in Managing Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

When faced with a potential case of acute angle closure glaucoma, healthcare professionals employ a methodical approach to diagnosis.

Tonometry is a pivotal diagnostic tool used to measure intraocular pressure (IOP), providing critical data on the presence of outflow obstruction—a key factor in the development of this condition. Additionally, gonioscopy is performed to assess the status of the drainage angle, distinguishing between open-angle or closed-angle glaucoma.


Upon confirming a diagnosis, a comprehensive treatment strategy is tailored to each patient’s needs. Treatment options include:

  1. Medications: These are often the first line of defence, aimed at reducing IOP and mitigating optic neuropathy.

  2. Laser Procedures: Laser iridotomy creates an opening in the iris, facilitating fluid flow and relieving pressure.

  3. Surgical Interventions: In advanced cases where other treatments are insufficient, surgery may be necessary to restore proper fluid dynamics within the eye.

A qualified Calgary Optometrist will often times start you on some of these treatments, but an Ophthalmologist will need to perform any surgical interventions.

Role of Eye Exams

Regular eye exams by a Calgary Optometrist play a crucial role in both early detection and ongoing management of glaucoma. Routine evaluations can uncover subtle changes indicative of primary or secondary glaucomas—of which acute angle closure is a prime concern.

Residents in Calgary seeking emergency eye care for symptoms suggestive of acute angle closure glaucoma have access to walk-in eye exams at renowned Eye Clinics. These facilities boast:

  • State-of-the-Art Equipment: Employing cutting-edge technology for accurate assessments.

  • Experienced Optometrists: The best Optometrists with expertise in emergency eye care ensure quick intervention and proper management.

This proactive approach to eye health empowers individuals to preserve their vision through immediate action and comprehensive care from top Optometrists. Patients experiencing acute symptoms should seek out an Eye Doctor in Calgary without delay. Don’t hesitate to call our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic to speak with one of our qualified Optometrists near you.

Additional Testing, Such as Eye Tests, for Accurate Evaluation

When faced with symptoms indicative of angle closure glaucoma, healthcare practitioners employ a variety of diagnostic techniques beyond initial examinations. These include:

1. Comprehensive Vision Assessments

A comprehensive vision test is crucial for gauging the impact of increased intraocular pressure on eyesight. This assessment often includes:

  • Evaluating visual acuity by using an eye exam chart

  • Assessing peripheral vision

  • Testing the response of pupils to light

These assessments are essential for establishing baseline visual function and identifying any changes or impairments caused by glaucoma.

2. Pupil Dilation

In conjunction with vision tests, pupil dilation is performed to provide an expansive view of the eye's internal structures. By dilating the pupils with special eye drops, optometrists gain clear access to examine the retina and optic nerve for signs of damage due to elevated pressure levels.

Pupil dilation expands the diagnostic view and enables thorough inspection of ocular health, particularly the integrity of the retina and optic nerve.

3. OCT Scan

Advanced imaging technologies play a pivotal role in the precise evaluation of glaucoma's severity and progression. An OCT scan, or optical coherence tomography, offers a non-invasive method to capture detailed cross-sectional images of the retina. This technology allows Calgary Eye Doctors to visualize the retinal layers and measure their thickness, thereby detecting subtle changes that might not be evident during a standard eye exam.

An OCT scan delivers high-resolution images instrumental in assessing retinal layer thickness and identifying early signs of glaucomatous damage.

These additional testing methods are integral to formulating a robust diagnosis and tailoring treatment plans to preserve vision effectively.

Ensuring Quality Emergency Eye Care: Tips for Choosing the Right Optometrist and Eye Clinic in Calgary

When facing the threat of vision loss due to acute angle closure glaucoma, selecting an optometrist capable of delivering emergency eye care is crucial. Here are criteria to guide you in choosing the appropriate provider:

1. Credentials and Expertise

Verify the Optometrist's qualifications. Look for a professional with a Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree, licensed to practice in Alberta, and with specialized training in ocular emergencies.

2. Availability

Ensure the eye clinic offers walk-in eye exam appointments or has an emergency contact system in place. Time is of the essence when treating acute angle closure glaucoma to prevent irreversible damage.

3. Advanced Technology

Assess whether the eye clinic is outfitted with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools. Equipment like OCT scanners and comprehensive visual field analyzers are indispensable for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic utilizes only gold standard technology that enhances the diagnosis process.

4. Experience with Emergencies

Inquire about the clinic's history with ocular emergencies. A reputable Eye Clinic in Calgary should have a track record of successfully managing urgent cases like acute angle closure glaucoma.

5. Patient Feedback

Research reviews and testimonials from other patients who have received emergency care at the eye clinic. Positive experiences often indicate a dependable service.

By considering these factors, patients can confidently choose an Optometrist and Eye Clinic in Calgary that will provide the highest standard of emergency eye care, mitigating the risks associated with acute angle closure glaucoma.


Acute angle closure glaucoma is a serious eye condition that needs immediate medical attention. The presence of walk-in eye exams in Calgary shows how the healthcare industry aims to provide accessible emergency eye care.

Taking quick action is important in managing this condition. If treatment is delayed, it can make the patient's discomfort worse and greatly raise the chance of permanent vision loss. This urgency is why it's stressed to have regular eye exams and see a Calgary Eye Doctor right away if symptoms arise.

Getting an eye exam in Alberta, especially for emergencies like acute angle closure glaucoma, is a worthwhile investment because it plays a crucial role in finding problems early on and stopping potential vision loss.


  1. Make Eye Health a Priority: It's recommended to have regular eye check-ups even if you don't notice any problems.

  2. Get Immediate Help: If you experience severe eye pain, blurry vision, nausea, or any other unusual issues, consult with a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

  3. Choose Reliable Treatment: Opt for well-known clinics with skilled Optometrists to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Overall, protecting your vision from acute angle closure glaucoma requires actively taking care of your eyes. This starts with understanding how important regular eye exams are and ends with seeking medical help without delay when needed. Visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary today if you think you may be having an angle closure episode. We will get our best Calgary Optometrist to see you for an emergency eye exam walk-in right away.