Understanding Cataracts: From Symptoms to Surgery

Cataracts are a common eye condition, particularly in the aging population, where the eye's natural lens becomes cloudy, impairing vision. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of cataracts, including symptoms, causes, treatment options, and the recovery process from surgery.

What are Cataracts?

A cataract occurs when the lens of the eye, which is normally clear, becomes clouded. This can lead to a decrease in vision quality, as it prevents light from passing clearly to the retina. Cataracts typically develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes.

Cataract Vision Changes

Cataracts can drastically alter vision. People with cataracts often describe their sight as looking through a foggy or frosted-up window. These changes in vision can impact daily activities like reading, driving, and recognizing faces.

Cataracts Symptoms and Signs

The primary symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Blurred or cloudy vision

  • Increased difficulty with vision at night

  • Sensitivity to light and glare

  • Seeing "halos" around lights

  • Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription

  • Fading or yellowing of colours

  • Double vision in a single eye

Reasons for Cataract Development

Cataracts develop for various reasons, including:

  • Aging: Most cataracts are related to aging.

  • Medical conditions: Such as diabetes.

  • Injury: Trauma to the eye can cause cataracts.

  • Lifelong exposure to sunlight: Ultraviolet light contributes to cataract formation.

  • Other factors: Smoking, alcohol use, and certain medications.

Cataract Treatment Options

Early cataract symptoms may be improved with new eyeglasses, brighter lighting, anti-glare sunglasses, or magnifying lenses. However, when these measures no longer help, surgery is the only effective treatment. Cataract surgery involves removing the clouded lens and, in most cases, replacing it with a clear, plastic intraocular lens (IOL). This procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and does not require an overnight stay in a hospital or other care facility.

Types of Cataract Lenses

The IOLs used in cataract surgery come in different types:

  • Monofocal lenses: The most common, focused at one distance.

  • Multifocal or accommodative lenses: Designed to provide clear vision at all distances.

  • Toric lenses: Used to correct astigmatism.

The Cataract Surgery Recovery Process

Recovery from cataract surgery is generally quick and uncomplicated. Most people notice improved vision within a few days. Complete healing often occurs within eight weeks. It's important to follow the surgeon's instructions, which may include wearing an eye patch or protective shield, using eye drops, and avoiding certain activities during recovery. Our Calgary Optometrists can help with post operation visits too and make sure your eyes heal properly. The cost of cataract surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure and the lenses used. In many countries, cataract surgery is covered by health insurance or national health services. In Canada, basic cataract surgery is covered if it is deemed necessary by the surgeon.


Cataracts are a significant eye health issue, especially as the population ages. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatment options is essential for anyone affected by or at risk for this condition. Cataract surgery, a safe and effective procedure, offers a solution to restore vision. With proper care and treatment, individuals with cataracts can regain clear vision and improve their quality of life. If you think you might have cataracts, book an eye exam with our top Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary.