The Fascinating World of Colored Contact Lenses: Enhancing Vision and Aesthetics

Coloured contact lenses are a dynamic blend of vision correction and aesthetic enhancement, offering a unique way to alter or intensify natural eye colour. Among the plethora of brands, Air Optix Colours stands out for its combination of eye health, comfort, and vibrant colour choices. This article will explore the intricacies of coloured contact lenses, detailing their types, benefits, and the distinct qualities of brands like Air Optix Colours. To find out if coloured contact lenses are an option for you, make sure you find a top Optometrist in Calgary, Alberta to discuss your options.

Understanding Coloured Contact Lenses

Coloured contact lenses are specially designed to mimic the appearance of the coloured part of the eye, the iris. They come in various tints and can correct vision or be purely cosmetic. The coloured part of the lens overlays the natural iris colour, while the centre remains clear to allow for unobstructed vision.

Types of Coloured Lenses

  • Visibility Tint: Typically a light blue or green tint added to a lens, making it easier to see during insertion and removal.

  • Enhancement Tint: These lenses have a translucent tint to enhance the natural colour of the eyes, ideal for deepening light-coloured eyes.

  • Opaque Tint: These lenses can completely change the eye colour and include patterns to mimic the natural iris, suitable for dark eyes.

Air Optix Colours: A Blend of Comfort and Style

Air Optix Colours are known for their advanced silicone hydrogel material, allowing a significant amount of oxygen to reach the cornea, thus ensuring eye health and comfort. They offer a range of colours, from subtle to bold, catering to both prescription and cosmetic needs. Air Optix Colours lenses utilize a unique 3-in-1 colour technology to blend naturally with the eye's colour. They are designed for high oxygen permeability and moisture retention, ensuring both eye health and comfort.

Benefits of Coloured Contact Lenses

  • Aesthetic Flexibility: They provide the freedom to alter eye colour to match mood, occasion, or fashion.

  • Corrective Power: Many coloured lenses come with the option to correct refractive errors.

  • Comfort: Advances in lens technology have made coloured lenses as comfortable as non-tinted contact lenses.

Choosing the Right Coloured Lenses

Considerations include:

  • Eye Health: Select lenses that offer adequate oxygen transmission.

  • Natural Look: Consider how lens colors work with your natural eye color and skin tone.

  • Quality: Opt for reputable brands to ensure lens quality and comfort.

If you want further advice, don’t hesitate to give our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary a call for information. Like regular contact lenses, colored lenses require fitting by an eye care professional to ensure they are suitable for your eyes, provide proper vision correction, and do not harm the eye.

Safety and Care for Colored Lenses

  • Hygiene Practices: Maintain stringent hygiene to avoid infections.

  • Adherence to Wearing Schedule: Overwearing can lead to discomfort and eye health issues.

  • Regular Eye Examinations: Essential for ensuring ongoing suitability and eye health.

Risks Associated with Coloured Lenses

Improper use of coloured lenses can lead to risks like eye infections. It's crucial to follow usage guidelines, maintain proper lens hygiene, and undergo regular eye check-ups. These risks exist with all contact lenses though and every wearer should be mindful of proper hygiene and care.


Coloured contact lenses, particularly those from brands like Air Optix Colours, offer an appealing solution for those looking to enhance their eye colour while enjoying the benefits of contact lenses. These lenses combine health, comfort, and aesthetic versatility, making them a suitable choice for a wide range of users. As with any contact lenses, it’s important to prioritize eye health by choosing high-quality lenses, adhering to proper lens care, and regularly consulting with an eye care professional. Give our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall a call to talk with one of the best Optometrists in Calgary, Alberta.