The Rise of Daily Contact Lenses: Revolutionizing Vision Correction

Daily disposable contact lenses have significantly transformed the world of vision correction. Renowned for their convenience and health benefits, daily lenses like Dailies Total One, Precision, MyDay, Clarity One Day, Acuvue Oasys, and Acuvue Oasys Max have become increasingly popular. This article delves into the evolution, benefits, and cost-effectiveness of daily contact lenses. If you want to learn even more you can see one of our Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, located in Calgary, Alberta.

The Emergence of Daily Disposable Lenses

The concept of contact lenses dates back to Leonardo da Vinci's sketches in the early 1500s, but it wasn't until the 20th century that they became a practical reality. The introduction of daily disposable lenses in the 1990s marked a significant leap. These lenses offered a fresh, sterile lens every day, eliminating the need for cleaning and reducing the risk of eye infections.

Leading Brands in Daily Contact Lenses

  1. Dailies Total One: Known for its water-gradient technology, providing exceptional comfort.

  2. Precision Contact Lenses: Precision lenses are designed for consistent, clear vision and comfort.

  3. MyDay: Offers a balance of comfort, breathability, and ease of handling.

  4. Clarity One Day: Known for their UV protection and long-lasting comfort.

  5. Acuvue Oasys & Acuvue Oasys Max: These lenses are designed for superior comfort, even in challenging environments.

Advantages Over Other Lens Types

Daily disposables have several advantages compared to weekly or monthly lenses:

  • Hygiene: Fresh lenses each day significantly reduce the risk of infections.

  • Convenience: No need for nightly cleaning and storage.

  • Comfort: New lenses are less likely to have deposits, reducing irritation.

  • Healthier for Eyes: Lower risk of oxygen deprivation to the cornea, as they are less likely to be worn beyond their intended period.

The Shift Towards Daily Lenses

The eyecare industry is increasingly moving towards daily disposable lenses. This shift is driven by their health and convenience benefits. Eye care professionals often recommend daily disposables as the first choice, especially for new wearers, due to these advantages. While the upfront cost of daily disposables might seem higher than other types, they can be more economical in the long run. They eliminate the need for cleaning solutions and cases. Additionally, for part-time wearers, daily disposables can be more cost-effective as they only use lenses as needed. For individuals who wear contact lenses occasionally, daily disposables are an ideal choice. They offer the flexibility to wear contacts only when needed without worrying about lens care or the lens expiring before its full use.

Environmental Considerations

Although daily disposables generate more waste than reusable lenses, manufacturers are increasingly mindful of the environmental impact. Many brands now use minimal packaging and are exploring sustainable materials.

The Future of Daily Disposable Lenses

The trend in contact lenses is moving towards technologies that offer enhanced comfort and eye health benefits. Future developments may include lenses with advanced moisture retention capabilities, better oxygen permeability, and lenses that can release medications for various eye conditions.


Daily disposable contact lenses represent a significant advancement in vision correction technology. Brands like Dailies Total One, Precision, MyDay, Clarity One Day, and Acuvue Oasys have set the standard for comfort and convenience in the contact lens market. As the industry evolves, daily disposables continue to offer innovative solutions for vision correction, combining health benefits, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. For those considering contact lenses, discussing with an eye care professional about daily disposables is an excellent first step to finding the best option for their lifestyle and vision needs. If you want to explore daily contact lenses for yourself, book a visit with one of our best Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, Alberta!