Dry Eyes Blurry Vision? Discover the iLux Treatment in Calgary

Dry eye disease, characterized by symptoms such as discomfort, stinging, and blurry vision, impacts numerous individuals worldwide. In Alberta, particularly in Calgary, the arid climate contributes to the prevalence of this condition. Effective management hinges on recognizing these symptoms:

  • Persistent dryness

  • Redness

  • Irritated eyes

  • Feeling of foreign body sensation in the eyes

The cornerstone of combating dry eye disease lies in its early detection and tailored treatment strategies, which are best determined through comprehensive eye exams. If you are looking to take this step, come visit one of our Calgary Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre mall. Among the innovative therapies available is the iLux treatment, a modern intervention designed to address Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) – a leading cause of dry eye. This treatment offers hope for those suffering from persistent dry eyes and blurry vision in Calgary, promising improved comfort and quality of life.

Understanding the iLux Treatment for Dry Eye Disease

The iLux treatment is an effective therapy for dry eye caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). It represents a significant change in how we manage MGD-related dry eye.

How Does the iLux Treatment Work?

The iLux treatment works by applying controlled heat and gentle pressure to clear blockages in the meibomian glands, which are small oil glands located in the margins of your eyelids. This is done using a handheld device that can target specific glands.

Key Benefits of the iLux Treatment

Here are the main benefits of the iLux treatment:

  1. Reduces Inflammation: By reducing inflammation associated with MGD, the iLux therapy helps relieve discomfort and slow down the progression of the disease.

  2. Clears Blockages: The combination of heat and pressure from the iLux treatment melts solidified oil blocking the meibomian glands and helps remove these blockages, allowing the glands to function properly again.

  3. Restores Normal Oil Production: By unblocking the glands, the iLux treatment encourages normal oil production. This improves tear film stability and reduces dryness and other related symptoms.

How Does it Compare?

To better understand its effectiveness, here's an analogy: Just like a plumber unclogs blocked pipes to restore water flow, the iLux treatment unblocks meibomian glands to resume oil flow to the tear film.

In summary, this innovative treatment provides relief for people with MGD-related dry eye by reducing inflammation, clearing blockages, and restoring normal oil production in meibomian glands.

Advantages and Considerations of the iLux Treatment

When comparing treatment options for managing dry eye symptoms caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), patients and clinicians often look at the iLux treatment and traditional methods like LipiFlow. Studies have shown several advantages of iLux over LipiFlow, including:

Advantages of iLux:

  1. Customizable Treatment: The Systane iLux device allows for tailored heat and pressure settings to suit individual patient needs, potentially enhancing comfort and outcomes.

  2. Portability: Unlike LipiFlow, the iLux device’s portable design facilitates ease of use in various clinical settings, broadening accessibility for patients.

  3. Time Efficiency: An iLux session can be completed in approximately 8-12 minutes, making it a quick in-office procedure.

  4. Immediate Feedback: With the capability to capture digital images and videos of meibomian glands during treatment, iLux provides real-time feedback on gland function.

Considerations for severe MGD:

For patients with severe MGD, certain factors should guide the choice of treatment:

  1. Treatment Severity Match: Patients with more advanced or resistant forms of MGD might find the customized settings of iLux particularly beneficial.

  2. Frequency of Sessions: Depending on the severity of MGD, multiple iLux sessions may be required to achieve desired results, necessitating a commitment to follow-up care.

  3. Post-Treatment Care: After undergoing iLux therapy, adherence to maintenance protocols is crucial to prolonging the benefits and preventing symptom recurrence.

While both iLux and LipiFlow aim to alleviate MGD symptoms by clearing gland blockages and restoring oil production, the decision between these therapies should be made on an individual basis. The advantages of iLux make it a compelling option for many; however, patient-specific factors must be considered to ensure optimal outcomes.

Frequency and Maintenance of iLux Treatment Sessions

As an effective dry eye treatment, the iLux device can offer long-term relief for patients suffering from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). However, it's essential to understand that this relief is often achieved through multiple sessions, especially in cases of severe MGD.

Recommended Frequency of Treatment Sessions

The recommended frequency of treatment sessions varies depending on the severity of the condition. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Mild MGD: For some patients with mild MGD, a single iLux session may be sufficient to provide noticeable improvements.

  2. Moderate MGD: Those with moderate MGD might benefit from two to three iLux sessions spread out over several weeks.

  3. Severe MGD: Individuals with more severe forms of MGD might require four or more iLux sessions to effectively melt gland blockages and restore normal oil production.

Importance of Maintenance Care

Even after achieving initial symptom relief, it's important to remember that MGD is a chronic condition. This means consistent long-term maintenance is key to managing symptoms over time. The iLux therapy should be seen as one part of an ongoing care plan for dry eye disease - not a one-time fix-all solution.

What Does Maintenance Care Involve?

Maintenance care could include:

  • Follow-up iLux treatments at intervals determined by your eye doctor in Calgary

  • Other treatments like prescription medication or over-the-counter eye drops

  • Regular comprehensive eye exams to monitor the health of your meibomian glands and adjust treatment plans as needed

By following this comprehensive approach to dry eye care in Calgary, we can effectively manage this common yet often overlooked condition. Make sure you find the best Optometrist in Calgary for you to ensure you are happy with your eye care.

Comprehensive Approach to Dry Eye Care in Calgary

Dry eye disease is a multifaceted condition that necessitates a holistic treatment strategy. Temporary solutions such as dry eye masks and lubrication drops provide relief but do not address the root causes of the disease, particularly in chronic cases. For sustainable improvement, patients in Calgary benefit from an integrated dry eye management approach.

The Multi-Pronged Approach

Leading eye clinics in Calgary recognize that addressing the complexity of dry eye syndrome requires a multi-pronged approach. This method includes:

  1. Assessing individual patient needs through thorough diagnostic evaluations

  2. Personalizing treatment plans that may combine home care with clinical procedures

  3. Utilizing advanced therapies like iLux to target specific underlying issues such as MGD

Contact our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary to book a dry eye exam assessment near you with one of our qualified Optometrists.

The Role of iLux Treatment

The iLux treatment is a cornerstone within this integrated care model. Its role is to:

  1. Directly tackle the dysfunction of meibomian glands, going beyond symptomatic treatment

  2. Work in conjunction with other therapeutic measures for comprehensive care

  3. Provide measurable improvements, documented through digital imaging and patient feedback

In essence, iLux serves as a crucial part of a broader strategy aimed at restoring ocular surface health and maintaining long-term comfort and clarity of vision for sufferers of dry eye in Calgary.


Dry eye disease can significantly impact the quality of life, making daily activities uncomfortable and sometimes unbearable. The iLux treatment presents a promising option for those struggling with symptoms related to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). This innovative MGD therapy has been designed to offer long-term relief and improve tear film stability by addressing the root cause of dry eye symptoms.

For individuals in Calgary dealing with persistent dry eyes, consulting with a local eye doctor can be the first step towards a tailored treatment plan. Eye care professionals are equipped to assess whether the iLUX® treatment for dry eye disease is suitable for you, considering your specific condition and medical history.

By choosing to explore treatments like iLux, patients may experience:

  1. Enhanced comfort in their daily lives

  2. Reduction in dry eye symptoms

  3. Improvement in overall ocular health

Taking action against MGD with therapies such as iLux can lead to significant improvements in both vision and comfort. Calgary residents are encouraged to seek professional advice to understand the benefits and appropriateness of this therapy for their unique situation.

Remember, enduring comfort and improved eye health could be just an appointment away. Embrace the next step in dry eye management by considering the iLUX® treatment, and start your journey towards lasting relief from dry eyes today. Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall if you have further questions about dry eye exam assessments or dry eye treatments. Find an Optometrist in Calgary near you to take the first steps to health eyes and positive eye care.