Dry Eyes Driving You Crazy? Try These Expert-Approved Remedies

Dry eyes can be a real nuisance, causing discomfort that can disrupt your daily life. Activities like reading, using a computer, or driving can become difficult when you're constantly dealing with dry eyes.

In this article, we'll explore different remedies for dry eyes that have been recommended by experts. One popular option is using lubricating eye drops like Systane Complete, Hylo, and Imed Pharma. These eye drops help improve the effectiveness of your tear film, providing much-needed relief from dryness. Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, Alberta carries all of these in case you need to pick up a fresh bottle.

Understanding Your Condition

Before we dive into the treatments, it's important to understand what's causing your dry eyes. There are several factors that can contribute to this condition:

  1. Reduced Tear Production: Your eyes may not be producing enough tears to keep them properly lubricated.

  2. Increased Tear Evaporation: Tears evaporate too quickly, leaving your eyes dry.

  3. Imbalance in Tear Composition: The composition of your tears may not be balanced, leading to inadequate lubrication.

If you're unsure about the cause of your dry eyes or need professional advice on treatment options, it's best to visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary. Our team of experts can provide a proper diagnosis and create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs.

Available Treatments for Dry Eyes

Now that you have a better understanding of your condition, let's explore some common treatments for dry eyes:

  • Artificial Tear Drops: These over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief by lubricating your eyes.

  • Prescription Eye Drops: In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe medicated eye drops to reduce inflammation and increase tear production.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Making small adjustments to your daily habits, such as taking breaks during screen time or using a humidifier in dry environments, can help alleviate dryness.

  • Warm Compresses: Applying a warm compress to your eyes can help unclog blocked oil glands, allowing for better tear production.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements: Some studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may help improve dry eye symptoms.

  • Punctal Plugs: These tiny silicone plugs are inserted into the tear ducts to block drainage, keeping your eyes moist for longer periods.

Remember, what works for one person may not work for another. It may take some trial and error to find the right treatment that brings you relief.

Whether you're looking for quick relief from occasional dryness or a long-term solution for chronic dry eye disease, this guide will provide you with valuable information on available treatments and how they can help. So let's dive in and find the best way to soothe those dry eyes of yours!

Understanding Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a condition where the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tear film evaporates too quickly. This can lead to dryness and discomfort in the eyes, affecting vision.

Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease

  • Persistent Dryness: A feeling of scratchiness or grittiness in the eyes.

  • Redness: Eyes may appear bloodshot and irritated.

  • Irritation: Burning or stinging sensation, sometimes accompanied by blurred vision and sensitivity to light.

Causes of Dry Eye Disease

There are several factors that can contribute to dry eye disease:

  • Age: The risk of developing dry eye increases with age, especially after menopause.

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to smoke, wind, dry climates, and excessive screen time can worsen symptoms.

  • Medical Conditions: Certain health conditions like autoimmune disorders, diabetes, thyroid problems, and rheumatoid arthritis can affect tear production.

By recognizing these symptoms and understanding the potential causes, you can take proactive measures to alleviate discomfort. This lays the groundwork for exploring targeted treatments such as lubricating eye drops that can provide relief from symptoms and improve overall eye health. Environmental factors plays a huge role for people living in Calgary, Alberta. The climate is very dry and even the top Optometrists in Calgary consistently see patients seeking out dry eye treatments for their dry eye problems.

The Role of Lubricating Eye Drops in Dry Eye Treatment

When it comes to managing dry eye symptoms, lubricating eye drops play a pivotal role. By enhancing the effectiveness of the tear film, they provide the much-needed moisture to the eyes and deliver temporary relief from discomfort. However, not all eye drops are created equal; some stand out due to their unique formulations and proven effectiveness.

Introducing Systane Complete

Systane Complete is more than just a traditional lubricating eye drop. It is a Propylene Glycol and Hydroxypropyl Guar Nanoemulsion — a lipid-based formulation designed specifically to address dry eye symptoms across the spectrum. Its unique composition sets it apart, but it's the way it works that truly makes a difference for those suffering from dry eyes.

Unique Formulation and Mechanism of Action

Systane Complete works by supporting tear film stability and improving ocular surface health. The tear film is a thin layer that covers the entire surface of the eye, providing moisture, protecting against environmental irritants, and ensuring clear vision. For individuals with dry eyes, this tear film is often compromised due to insufficient or poor quality tears.

Here's where Systane Complete steps in: its lipid-based formulation replenishes all layers of the tear film — aqueous, lipid, and mucin — thereby restoring its integrity and ensuring adequate hydration for the eyes. This action results in prolonged relief from dryness, redness, burning sensation, and other symptoms commonly associated with dry eye disease.

Clinical Evidence

The effectiveness and safety of Systane Complete have been assessed in numerous clinical trials. These studies provide strong evidence for its role in relieving symptoms regardless of the subtype of dry eye disease.

One study found that participants who used Systane Complete experienced sustained reduction in dry eye symptoms, improved tear film stability, and enhanced ocular surface characteristics. In another study, users reported immediate comfort after application, with the effects lasting for several hours. Importantly, Systane Complete was well-tolerated in these studies, with no significant side effects reported.

In summary, Systane Complete stands as an expert-approved remedy for dry eyes. Its unique formulation and mechanism of action, coupled with strong clinical evidence supporting its safety and efficacy, make it a reliable choice for dry eye treatment.

Exploring Hylo Lubrication Drops

When it comes to treating dry eyes, one of the go-to solutions is using lubricating eye drops. Among the various options available, Hylo lubrication drops have gained recognition alongside products like Systane Complete. These drops are specifically designed to improve the stability of the tear film and enhance the condition of the eyes by supplementing natural tears.

What Sets Hylo Lubrication Drops Apart?

Hylo lubrication drops stand out for a couple of reasons:

  1. Moisturizing Properties: The formulation of these drops focuses on providing long-lasting hydration to the eyes, which is crucial in relieving dry eye symptoms.

  2. Innovative Bottle Design: Unlike traditional eye drop bottles, Hylo comes with a unique delivery system that prevents any contamination and maintains sterility throughout its use.

How Do They Compare to Other Eye Drops?

While their purpose may be similar to other artificial tears that contain ingredients like Propylene Glycol and Hydroxypropyl Guar Nanoemulsion, Hylo offers some specific advantages:

  • Preservative-Free Solution: This makes them ideal for individuals who are sensitive to preservatives or need to use eye drops frequently.

  • High Viscosity: The thicker consistency of these drops allows them to stay on the surface of the eyes for a longer time, potentially providing extended relief.

Understanding the Limitations

It's important to note that while these lubricants are effective in managing symptoms, they may not address the underlying causes of dry eye disease. Therefore, it's recommended to use lubricating eye drops in conjunction with other treatment strategies as advised by a healthcare professional. Visit one of our Calgary Optometrists in our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to better understand what the cause is for your dry eyes through an eye exam assessment.

What Others Have to Say About Hylo

Reviews from users and opinions from experts showcase both positive and negative aspects of Hylo lubrication drops:


  • Sustained hydration

  • No preservatives

  • Longer-lasting comfort


  • Higher cost compared to some alternatives

  • May require getting used to the bottle's dispensing mechanism

Incorporating Hylo Lubrication Drops into Your Eye Care Routine

Considering these factors, it's clear that Hylo lubrication drops are an important component of a comprehensive approach to managing dry eyes. Patients can benefit from being aware of their options and working closely with healthcare providers to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses both symptoms and underlying causes.

Imed Pharma Lubrication Drops: A Comprehensive Review

Imed Pharma is a well-known brand in the field of ophthalmic solutions, specializing in lubricating eye drops that provide temporary relief for dry eye symptoms. Their range of drops includes different types, each formulated for specific types and levels of dry eye disease. At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, we often see our dry eye expert Optometrists prescribing these drops.

Different Variants of Imed Pharma Lubrication Drops

Here are the various types of lubrication drops offered by Imed Pharma:

  1. I-DROP® MGD: This is their top of the line lubrication drop. It has a lipid factor to help prevent evaporation of the tear film. The drop is also preservative free. And even better it includes hyaluronan as well to act as an anti-inflammatory for the front surface.

  2. I-DROP® PUR GEL: This particular solution is free from preservatives and is known for its ability to enhance comfort and provide long-lasting relief. It contains 0.30% hyaluronan, which is a natural substance found in the eyes and helps retain moisture.

  3. I-DROP® PUR: Another variant that does not contain preservatives, this solution has a thinner consistency and offers immediate as well as sustained relief for mild to moderate dry eye symptoms. Like the previous product, it also utilizes the benefits of hyaluronan.

How Do Lubricating Eye Drops Work?

Lubricating eye drops are commonly recommended as an initial treatment for managing dry eyes because they can supplement natural tears and help keep the eyes moist. These drops function by creating an artificial tear film on the surface of the eyes, which provides temporary relief from discomfort associated with dry eyes.

The Efficacy of Imed Pharma Lubrication Drops

The effectiveness of Imed Pharma lubrication drops lies in their unique formulations that closely resemble the physical and chemical properties of natural tears. This helps improve tear film stability and enhance the condition of the eyes' surface.

While these drops can effectively alleviate symptoms, it's important to note that they may not address the underlying causes of dry eye disease. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan if you are experiencing persistent dry eye symptoms.

Pros and Cons of Imed Pharma Lubrication Drops

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of using Imed Pharma lubrication drops:


  • Preservative-free variants reduce the risk of allergic reactions or irritations.

  • Certain products have a viscoadaptive property that ensures prolonged contact with the eye surface for long-lasting relief.

  • The diverse product range caters to different dry eye conditions.


  • These drops do not treat the root cause of dry eye disease; they only provide symptomatic relief.

While Imed Pharma lubrication drops offer temporary relief from discomfort, it is important to seek professional advice for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan if you have persistent dry eye symptoms. This is where we suggest you find the one of the top Optometrists in Calgary that knows dry eye disease inside and out.

Other Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

While lubricating eye drops serve as a primary line of defence against dry eye disease, certain cases may necessitate additional therapeutic interventions. Here are some other treatment options that you can consider:

Punctal Plugs

One such option involves the use of punctal plugs. These tiny devices are inserted into the tear ducts to prevent tears from draining away too quickly. By conserving the natural tears, punctal plugs can help keep the ocular surface adequately moistened and alleviate dry eye symptoms.

Prescription Medications

Specialized prescription medications represent another avenue for dry eye treatment. Drugs such as cyclosporine and corticosteroids work by addressing the underlying inflammation often associated with severe or refractory forms of dry eye disease.

Alternative Medicine Options

For individuals seeking natural remedies, alternative medicine options like omega-3 fatty acids, fatty acid eye drops, castor oil eye drops, and acupuncture might provide relief. However, their effectiveness varies between individuals and should be explored under professional guidance.

Lifestyle Modifications

In addition to these approaches, lifestyle modifications can play a crucial role in managing dry eyes:

  • Dietary Changes: Consuming foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids or taking supplements may improve tear quality.

  • Eye Hygiene: Regularly cleaning your eyelids and using warm compresses can help unclog blocked oil glands in your eyelids, thus enhancing tear film stability.

These strategies serve as complementary methods that can enhance the efficacy of your primary treatment plan. Nonetheless, it is crucial to remember that each individual's experience with dry eye disease is unique. Hence, treatment strategies should be personalized to cater to specific needs and conditions.


Persistent dry eye symptoms can significantly hamper your daily routine and overall quality of life. Hence, seeking professional help becomes indispensable. Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, Calgary, stands ready to provide comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific condition.

Exploring the different lubricating eye drop options discussed in this article could provide temporary relief. Be it Systane Complete's unique formulation, Hylo's moisturizing properties, or the variety offered by Imed Pharma, these options have their own merits. However, remember these are only one facet of the multifaceted approach to managing dry eyes disease.

An eye care specialist should be consulted to determine the most suitable option for your condition. They can guide you through other treatment modalities such as dietary modifications, eye hygiene practices, or even invasive procedures if needed. Find yourself the best Optometrist for you in Calgary to ensure you are happy with the eye care.

Long-term management and proactive care are key in dealing with dry eyes disease. This involves not only regular use of prescribed treatments but also monitoring for changes in symptoms and prompt reporting to your healthcare provider if they occur.

Despite the challenges posed by dry eyes disease, it is crucial to remember that with the right treatment plan and consistent care, its impact on your visual health and quality of life can be minimized. So take that first step towards relief today - reach out to our specialists at the Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, Calgary.