How to Cure Dry Eyes with MiBoFlo: A Few Easy Steps that start with a visit to an eye clinic near you

Dry eye disease is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause discomfort and make it difficult to do everyday activities. Many researchers are looking for ways to treat this condition effectively. One treatment that has been getting attention lately is called MiBoFlo.

In this article, we will talk about what MiBoFlo is, how it works, and why it might be a good option for people with dry eyes. We will also discuss some specific issues related to dry eye disease in Calgary, Alberta, and how MiBoFlo fits into the larger picture of dry eye care.

Our goal is to give you the information you need to make decisions about your own dry eye treatment. If you have any unanswered questions after reading this, please reach out to our expert Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary and they will guide you to the right dry eye remedy for you.

Understanding Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. It occurs when the eyes do not have enough lubrication and moisture on their surface. This can cause discomfort and interfere with daily activities. Some of the symptoms of dry eye disease include:

  • Persistent dryness

  • Burning or stinging sensation

  • Itchiness

  • Redness

  • Blurred vision

  • Sensitivity to light

  • A feeling of having something in the eyes

If you have any of these symptoms, please do some research to find the best Optometrist in Calgary for you and book a dry eye exam assessment.

Meibomian glands are small glands located along the edges of the eyelids. These glands play an important role in tear production. They produce oils that are necessary for maintaining the integrity of the tear film, which covers the surface of the eyes. The tear film has three layers:

  1. An oily layer produced by the meibomian glands

  2. A watery layer for moisture

  3. A mucous layer for even spread over the eyes

When any of these factors are disrupted, it can lead to dry eye disease. Some common causes and risk factors include:

  1. Age: Tear production tends to decrease as we get older, making dry eye syndrome more prevalent among older adults.

  2. Environmental Factors: Exposure to smoke, wind, or air conditioning can increase tear evaporation and contribute to dry eyes.

  3. Medical Conditions: Certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid disorders can affect tear secretion and lead to dryness.

  4. Medications: Some medications such as antihistamines and blood pressure medications may reduce tear production.

By understanding these underlying mechanisms and potential triggers, both individuals experiencing dry eye symptoms and healthcare providers can collaborate more effectively in exploring treatment options that address specific aspects of this condition. There are lots of top Optometrists in Calgary that focus on dry eye disease and can get you the care you need at your next eye exam near you.

Challenges of Treating Dry Eye Disease in Calgary, Alberta

Dry eye disease can be particularly challenging to manage for individuals living in Calgary, Alberta. This region's unique climatic conditions pose significant issues for those suffering from this condition.

Low Humidity Levels

Low humidity levels are a characteristic feature of Calgary's weather. This can intensify the problem of insufficient tear production, thereby exacerbating symptoms of dry eye disease. The tear film on the ocular surface evaporates more quickly under low humidity conditions, leading to increased discomfort for dry eye sufferers.

Prevalence of High Winds

Adding to the woes is the prevalence of high winds. Wind can cause rapid evaporation of tears from the eyes, again leading to exacerbated dry eye symptoms. It also stirs up dust and other airborne irritants that can further inflame dry eyes.

Living in a region like Calgary, Alberta requires individuals with dry eye disease to take additional precautions and potentially seek specialized treatment options that consider these environmental factors.

The subsequent sections will delve into various treatment options available for managing dry eye disease, including first line treatments and advanced therapies such as MiBoFlo. The aim is to provide readers with comprehensive knowledge about these treatments and their effectiveness in overcoming the challenges posed by environmental factors like those seen in Calgary, Alberta.

First Line Treatments for Dry Eye Disease

When it comes to managing dry eye disease, several first-line treatments are commonly employed. Each of these methods has its unique benefits and limitations.

1. Hot Compresses

A simple yet effective way of providing relief from dry eye symptoms. They work by applying gentle heat to the eyes, helping to unclog the meibomian glands. This allows the oily part of your tears to flow more freely, resulting in better lubrication for your eyes.

2. Omega-3 Supplements

These essential fatty acids, found in foods like fish and flaxseeds, provide numerous health benefits. One of them is their ability to reduce inflammation and improve the function of meibomian glands, which can help alleviate dry eye symptoms.

3. Lubricating Eye Drops

Also known as artificial tears, they replace or supplement your natural tear film to aid in keeping your eyes moisturized. These can be used throughout the day for instant relief.

4. Lid Hygiene Practices

Implementing a regular regimen of eyelid hygiene using lid wipes is crucial for maintaining a healthy ocular surface and prevent the buildup of biofilm that can block the meibomian glands.

Contact our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary if you are interested in starting first line dry eye treatments such as: hot compresses, lid wipes, lubrication drops, Omega 3. Our qualified Optometrists near you can help you find the treatment you need. While these treatments provide an initial line of defence against dry eye disease, they may not offer sufficient relief for all individuals. The effectiveness can vary based on factors like the severity of the condition and individual patient characteristics. It's important to remember that while these measures serve as a start point in treatment, there may be a need for more advanced therapies in some cases.

When First Line Treatments Are Not Enough: Exploring Advanced Therapies

For persistent dry eye symptoms that resist first-line treatments, advanced therapies provide a promising alternative. These therapies, often more sophisticated in technology and approach, are specifically designed to offer relief to resistant cases of dry eye disease.

Among these advanced therapies, MiBoFlo Thermoflo, Lipiflow, and meibomian gland expressions have gained recognition for their effectiveness.

MiBoFlo Thermoflo

MiBoFlo Thermoflo is a procedure that utilizes thermoelectric heat to treat the meibomian glands. The device applies consistent and controlled heat to the eyelids, liquefying the hardened meibum (oil) in the glands. An ultrasound gel pad is then used for a gentle massage, aiding in the flow of oils onto the tear film.


Lipiflow uses a combination of heat and pressure to unblock the meibomian glands. A single-use eyepiece is inserted under and over the eyelids and applies controlled heat with intermittent pressure.

Meibomian Gland Expressions

Meibomian gland expressions involve manually squeezing the eyelid to push out blockages in the glands. While it can be effective, this procedure can also be uncomfortable for some patients.

Each therapy has its unique features and benefits. However, all aim at treating dry eye disease at its root cause – dysfunctional meibomian glands – rather than just managing its symptoms. To learn more about these treatments call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to chat with a Calgary Optometrist near you.

MiBoFlo: A Breakthrough in Dry Eye Treatment

MiBoFlo has emerged as an innovative solution for managing the symptoms of dry eye disease. The treatment hinges on a state-of-the-art mechanism that utilizes thermoelectric radiation to gently heat the eyelids. This heating effect, in conjunction with the application of ultrasound gel, helps to liquefy the viscous secretions within the meibomian glands.

Here's how MiBoFlo addresses dry eye symptoms effectively:

  1. Thermoelectric Heat Application: Unlike traditional warm compresses, MiBoFlo delivers consistent and controlled heat directly to the eyelids, ensuring that the meibomian glands are adequately warmed to release oil into the tear film.

  2. Ultrasound Gel: This specialized gel enhances the transmission of the thermal energy while also allowing for a soothing massage over the eyelids. This dual action not only provides comfort during treatment but also aids in breaking down meibomian gland blockages.

  3. Improved Gland Function: As a result of this treatment, there is a noticeable improvement in gland function, leading to increased stability of the tear film and relief from dry eye symptoms.

In addition to symptom relief, MiBoFlo plays a significant role in managing ocular surface conditions that often accompany dry eye disease:

  • Corneal Damage: By improving tear film stability and reducing tear evaporation, MiBoFlo can help minimize corneal damage caused by dryness and friction between the eyelid and ocular surface.

  • Inflammation Control: A stable tear film means less irritation and inflammation of the ocular surface, which is crucial for maintaining overall eye health and comfort.

The unique approach of MiBoFlo in treating dry eyes stands out as it directly targets one of the root causes of dry eye disease – dysfunction of the meibomian glands. With its non-invasive nature, this therapy presents an attractive option for those seeking relief from persistent symptoms. Due to the fact that it doesn’t use disposable tips, it is an environmentally friendly and affordable dry eye treatment.

The Effectiveness of MiBoFlo Treatment for Dry Eyes

Dry eye disease sufferers who have experienced MiBoFlo treatment often report significant relief from symptoms, emphasizing the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach. One of the salient features of MiBoFlo is its non-invasive nature, making it a pain-free and safe alternative for patients uncomfortable with invasive procedures.

Gentle and Effective Treatment

Unlike other treatments that might involve uncomfortable probing or mechanical pressure, MiBoFlo applies gentle thermoelectric heat via an ultrasound gel. This innovative process ensures a comfortable experience for the patient while effectively stimulating the meibomian glands to produce a healthier tear film.

Positive Results from Clinical Studies

Clinical studies underline this success. Research indicates positive outcomes in mitigating dry eye symptoms following MiBoFlo treatment. A study published in Therapeutic Advances in Ophthalmology revealed that 79% of patients reported improved dry eye symptoms after receiving MiBoFlo treatments, showcasing the high success rate of this therapy.

Safety First

In addition to efficacy, MiBoFlo demonstrates an excellent safety profile. The treatment does not involve any incisions or injections, reducing the risk of complications typically associated with invasive procedures.

The effectiveness and safety of MiBoFlo make it a compelling choice over other therapies for treating dry eye disease, especially for those seeking non-invasive methods with demonstrated success in clinical studies.

Our Specialized Approach to Dry Eye Care at Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic

At the Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic, we are dedicated to delivering top-notch dry eye care services. Our goal is to provide a haven for people who are dealing with the discomfort of dry eye disease, offering them both relief and long-term solutions. Call to book a dry eye exam assessment with one of our Calgary Optometrists near you.

Expertise of Our Optometrists

Our team of optometrists have extensive knowledge and clinical experience in diagnosing and managing all types of dry eye disease. No matter how complicated your case may be, we are confident in our ability to help you find relief. We make it a point to stay updated on the latest advancements in dry eye treatments so that we can offer you the most effective care based on your specific eye needs.

Technical Focus on Advanced Treatment Options

At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, we take pride in our patient-centric approach. We believe in collaborating closely with each individual, creating personalized treatment plans that take into account their unique lifestyle and condition. With our Optometrists' technical expertise combined with our compassionate care, you can expect nothing less than the best possible outcome for your dry eye concerns.

How to Get Started with Dry eye Treatment at Our Calgary Clinic

Feeling the strain of dry eyes? The Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic is ready to help. Emphasizing on a thorough evaluation, our clinic offers assessments for individuals struggling with dry eye disease. Notably, we provide consultations for those considering cutting-edge dry eye treatments.

Here's how you can initiate your journey towards relief:

  1. Book an appointment: Reach out to us via phone or email to schedule a consultation. Our team will assist you in finding the most convenient time slot.

  2. Attend a comprehensive evaluation: During your visit, our qualified Calgary Optometrists will conduct an exhaustive eye exam. This step is crucial to understand the severity of your condition and identify the best treatment plan.

  3. Discuss dry eye treatment options: If your dry eye symptoms persist despite conventional treatments, our Optometrists may suggest MiBoFlo Thermoflo. They will walk you through its benefits, mechanism of action, and what to expect during and after the procedure.

  4. Determine suitability: Not all patients are suitable candidates for MiBoFlo Thermoflo. As part of our commitment to personalized care, we ensure the chosen treatment aligns with your specific needs and medical history.

Embarking on this path requires no more than a simple decision - a decision to act for healthier eyes and a better quality of life.

Lifestyle Modifications for Long-Term Dry Eye Relief

In addition to the innovative MiBoFlo treatment, making certain lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on managing dry eye disease symptoms. Here are some practical tips that can help ensure long-term relief:

1. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. A well-hydrated body leads to well-lubricated eyes.

2. Use a Humidifier

Calgary's low humidity levels can exacerbate dry eye symptoms. Using a humidifier can help maintain moisture in your environment, benefiting your eyes.

3. Avoid Smoke

Whether it's from cigarettes or other sources, smoke irritates the eyes and can worsen dry eye symptoms. Strive to stay in smoke-free environments whenever possible.

4. Dietary Adjustments

Incorporating foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts into your diet can help improve eye health.

5. Regular Screen Breaks

If your work involves spending long hours in front of a computer, make sure to take regular breaks. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This helps reduce eye strain and dryness.

These lifestyle modifications, combined with professional treatment like MiBoFlo, can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from dry eye disease. It's not about choosing one over the other but rather integrating these practices into one’s daily routine for maximum benefit.


MiBoFlo Thermoflo stands out as a groundbreaking solution for managing dry eye disease, offering hope and relief to those affected, especially under the unique environmental pressures of Calgary, Alberta. This advanced treatment harnesses thermoelectric radiation to address the root causes of dry eye, providing a soothing and effective alternative to traditional methods.

Residents in Calgary facing the daily struggle with dry eye symptoms can find solace in the expertise available at Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic. Our team of dedicated Optometrists brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, employing modern technologies to deliver significant improvements in patients' ocular health.

For individuals seeking to regain comfort and enhance their quality of life, taking action is crucial. Booking an appointment at our Calgary Eye Clinic is the first step towards a tailored assessment and treatment plan. Optimize your eye health by embracing this innovative therapy:

  1. Experience cutting-edge dry eye treatment

  2. Receive personalized care from skilled Optometrists

  3. Join the many who have found relief from dry eye symptoms

Let this be the turning point in your journey to overcoming dry eye disease. At Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic, we are committed to guiding you towards a future with clearer vision and improved eye comfort. Book a dry eye exam assessment near you to take the first step.