The Comprehensive Guide to Monthly Contact Lenses

Monthly contact lenses are a popular choice for individuals seeking a balance between the convenience of disposables and the sustainability of long-term wear lenses. This article delves into the world of monthly lenses, highlighting key brands like Air Optix, Total Thirty, Biofinity, and Acuvue Vita, and discussing their unique features and benefits. Make sure to find a top Optometrist in Calgary to ensure you get the most updated information.

The Evolution of Monthly Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have evolved significantly since their inception, with monthly lenses emerging as a convenient and cost-effective option. Designed for extended use, these lenses are replaced every month, providing the wearer with consistent vision correction and comfort.

Leading Brands in Monthly Lenses

  1. Air Optix: Air Optix lenses are known for their advanced silicone hydrogel material, which allows up to 5 times more oxygen to pass through the lens compared to traditional soft contact lenses. This feature makes them exceptionally comfortable and suitable for extended wear.

  2. Total Thirty: Total Thirty lenses are designed with cutting-edge technology that maintains lens hydration and prevents deposit buildup. They offer high oxygen permeability, ensuring eye health and comfort throughout the month.

  3. Biofinity: Manufactured by CooperVision, Biofinity lenses are renowned for their Aquaform Technology, which locks in moisture and provides a soft, flexible lens. This makes them an excellent choice for those seeking comfort and clarity in their vision.

  4. Acuvue Vita: Acuvue Vita lenses by Johnson & Johnson are designed for superior comfort and reliable, consistent vision. They feature HydraMax™ Technology, which helps maintain hydration and maximizes lens comfort throughout the month.

Benefits of Monthly Lenses

Monthly lenses offer several advantages:

  • Cost-Effective: While daily disposables are replaced daily, monthly lenses can be more economical in the long run, as one pair lasts for an entire month.

  • Environmental Consideration: Monthly lenses produce less waste compared to daily disposables, making them a more environmentally friendly option.

  • Comfort and Breathability: Advances in lens materials and design ensure that monthly lenses provide excellent comfort and sufficient oxygen flow to the cornea.

  • Suitable for a Variety of Prescriptions: Monthly lenses are available in a wide range of prescriptions, including those for astigmatism and presbyopia.

Caring for Monthly Lenses

Proper care is essential for monthly lens wearers:

  • Cleaning and Storage: Lenses should be thoroughly cleaned and stored in fresh solution every night.

  • Regular Replacement: It’s crucial to follow the replacement schedule to prevent eye health problems.

  • Avoiding Overnight Wear: Monthly lenses should not be worn during sleep to reduce the risk of eye infections.

Choosing the Right Monthly Lens

Selecting the right brand depends on individual needs:

  • Air Optix is ideal for those requiring lenses with high oxygen permeability.

  • Total Thirty suits users looking for a lens that maintains moisture and cleanliness.

  • Biofinity is preferred for its softness and flexibility.

  • Acuvue Vita is designed for consistent, all-month comfort.


Monthly contact lenses represent a viable option for many contact lens wearers, combining the benefits of extended wear with the convenience of disposability. Brands like Air Optix, Total Thirty, Biofinity, and Acuvue Vita offer diverse choices to suit different preferences and vision needs. As with any contact lens, it’s essential to consult with an eye care professional to determine the best option for your eyes and lifestyle. If you need a contact lens fitting for monthlies, visit our nearby Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, Alberta.