Multifocal Contact Lenses: Bridging Vision at All Distances

Multifocal contact lenses have revolutionized vision correction for presbyopia, a common age-related condition where the eyes struggle to focus on close objects. These lenses provide clear vision at all distances, combining multiple prescription strengths in one lens. This article will explore the world of multifocal lenses, highlighting popular brands like Dailies Total One Multifocal, MyDay Multifocal, and Biofinity Multifocal. If you’re unsure which lenses are the right ones for you, visit our nearby Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary for a chance to talk to an expert Optometrist.

The Advent of Multifocal Contact Lenses

Traditionally, presbyopia was corrected with bifocal or progressive glasses. However, the development of multifocal contact lenses has provided a seamless and convenient alternative. These lenses incorporate different lens powers to correct vision at varying distances, from reading up close to seeing far away. Multifocal contact lenses are designed with concentric rings of different powers. They work by presenting multiple focal points to the eye, allowing for clear vision at various distances. Wearers can focus on near, intermediate, or distant objects without needing to switch eyewear.

Leading Brands in Multifocal Lenses

  1. Dailies Total One Multifocal: These lenses are known for their water-gradient technology, offering exceptional comfort and a smooth transition between near, intermediate, and far vision. They are particularly suited for those with dry eyes.

  2. MyDay Multifocal: MyDay Multifocal lenses provide the convenience of daily disposables with the comfort of silicone hydrogel material. They are designed to provide clear vision and easy adaptation for presbyopia patients.

  3. Biofinity Multifocal: Biofinity Multifocal lenses utilize Balanced Progressive™ Technology, offering a balanced view at all distances. They are monthly lenses known for their breathable material and extended wear comfort.

Benefits of Multifocal Lenses

  • Convenience: Multifocal lenses eliminate the need for carrying separate glasses for reading or distance vision.

  • Seamless Vision: They provide a more natural visual experience, allowing for a smooth transition between different vision zones.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Contact lenses offer a glasses-free appearance, which some individuals prefer for cosmetic reasons.

  • Active Lifestyle Suitability: Multifocal lenses are ideal for active lifestyles and reduce the hassle of switching between different pairs of glasses.

Considerations and Adaptation

Switching to multifocal lenses can require an adaptation period as the eyes adjust to interpreting the different focal areas. It is important to have realistic expectations and work closely with an eye care professional for the best adaptation and fit. Multifocal lenses are ideal for individuals with presbyopia who lead active lifestyles or do not like the appearance of glasses. They are also suitable for those who have difficulty with progressive lenses or do not want to constantly switch between different pairs of glasses.

Fitting Multifocal Lenses

A proper fitting is crucial for the effectiveness of multifocal lenses. Eye care professionals will assess your specific vision needs and ensure the lenses provide the right balance of near, intermediate, and distance vision. Make sure you have a top Optometrist in Calgary, Alberta so that you can be sure you’re getting modern options and advanced contact lens fittings.


Multifocal contact lenses like Dailies Total One Multifocal, MyDay Multifocal, and Biofinity Multifocal offer an excellent solution for managing presbyopia. They blend different prescriptions into one lens, providing clear vision at all distances and suiting various lifestyles. As with any contact lenses, consulting with an eye care professional is essential to find the most suitable option and ensure optimal comfort and vision quality. If you’re looking for a multifocal contact lens fitting, visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, Alberta.