Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses: Enhancing Vision with Advanced Technology

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses, a cornerstone in corrective eye care, offer a blend of durability, clarity, and eye health benefits. Despite the growing popularity of soft lenses, RGPs remain a vital option for many due to their unique advantages. This comprehensive guide will explore the world of RGP lenses, their benefits, fitting process, and care. Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, Alberta is another great source for information if this article leaves you with unanswered questions.

The Evolution of RGP Lenses

RGP lenses evolved from the earlier hard contact lenses made of PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate), which did not allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea. In the late 1970s, the introduction of gas-permeable materials revolutionized contact lens technology, leading to the development of RGP lenses. These lenses combined the superior optics of hard lenses with enhanced comfort due to their oxygen permeability. RGP lenses are made of durable, oxygen-permeable materials. Unlike soft lenses, they maintain their shape on the eye, providing clear, consistent vision correction. They are smaller in diameter compared to soft lenses and move on the eye with each blink, allowing tear exchange under the lens.

Benefits of RGP Lenses

  • Visual Clarity: RGPs provide sharp, clear vision, particularly beneficial for high prescriptions and astigmatism.

  • Durability: These lenses are less prone to tearing and can last for a year or more with proper care.

  • Eye Health: The high oxygen permeability of RGPs promotes healthy corneal physiology.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Their durability makes RGPs a cost-effective option over time.

  • Customization: RGPs can be tailored to fit various corneal shapes and sizes, making them suitable for complex vision corrections.

Indications for RGP Lenses

RGPs are often recommended for:

  • Keratoconus and Corneal Irregularities: Their ability to create a smooth refractive surface over an irregular cornea provides improved vision for these conditions.

  • High Prescription Strengths: RGPs offer superior vision correction for those with significant refractive errors.

  • Presbyopia: Bifocal and multifocal RGP designs can correct near and distance vision simultaneously.

The Fitting Process

Fitting RGP lenses is an intricate process that requires specialized skills. The optometrist takes detailed measurements of the eye's surface and evaluates the health of the cornea. Trial lenses are typically used to assess fit, comfort, and vision, with adjustments made as necessary. Make sure to find one of the best Optometrists in Calgary, Alberta for your fitting.

Adaptation to RGP lenses can vary. New wearers may experience a brief period of discomfort as their eyes adjust to the sensation of the lenses. Gradually increasing wearing time helps in this adaptation process.

Care and Maintenance

Proper care extends the life of RGP lenses and ensures eye health:

  • Daily Cleaning: RGPs require daily cleaning with specific solutions to remove deposits and maintain lens clarity.

  • Regular Disinfection: Disinfecting the lenses reduces the risk of eye infections.

  • Handling and Storage: Careful handling and proper storage in a recommended solution are crucial to prevent lens damage.

Comparing RGPs with Soft Lenses

While soft lenses offer immediate comfort, RGPs have superior durability and can provide better vision correction in certain cases. The choice between RGPs and soft lenses depends on individual needs, lifestyle, and eye condition. Some challenges associated with RGP lenses include initial discomfort, adaptation period, and the necessity of consistent care and maintenance. However, these factors are often outweighed by the visual benefits and health advantages they offer.


Rigid Gas Permeable lenses remain a significant and beneficial option in vision correction. Their ability to provide excellent visual clarity, durability, and eye health benefits makes them an ideal choice for many individuals, particularly those with specific corneal conditions or high refractive errors. As with any contact lenses, consultation with an optometrist is crucial to determine if RGP lenses are the right choice for your visual needs and to ensure a proper fit and comfortable wearing experience. Book an eye exam with one of our Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Calgary, Alberta if you are interested in these lenses.