How Our Best Optometrists Diagnose and Treat Scleritis At Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall

Scleritis is a serious eye condition that causes inflammation in the white outer layer of our eyes, known as the sclera. It can lead to vision loss and requires immediate medical attention. In Calgary, there are advanced eye clinics with state-of-the-art tools and highly skilled Optometrists who specialize in diagnosing and treating scleritis.

When it comes to eye health, detecting and treating issues early is crucial, especially for conditions like scleritis. This proactive approach can help stop the disease from getting worse and reduce the risk of vision loss and other complications. The Optometrists in Calgary understand this importance and are dedicated to providing fast and effective care. If you are concerned about scleritis, call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to book an emergency walk-in eye exam with one of our best Optometrists.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Scleritis is a severe eye condition that needs immediate medical help.

  • Calgary has excellent eye clinics that are well-equipped to diagnose and treat scleritis.

  • Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in preventing vision loss and other problems caused by scleritis.

In this article, we'll explore more about scleritis:

  1. What are the symptoms of scleritis?

  2. Why is immediate medical attention necessary for scleritis?

  3. How is scleritis diagnosed?

  4. What treatments are available for scleritis?

  5. How do our experienced Calgary optometrists in Southcentre Mall provide comprehensive care for this condition?

Understanding Scleritis

Scleritis is an ocular inflammatory condition that primarily targets the sclera, the white outer layer of the eye. This inflammation results in swelling, causing a distinctive red or purple hue to appear on the eye. The condition is often painful and may lead to serious complications if not treated promptly. So make sure to search for the best Calgary Optometrist near you if you are experiencing eye pain or red eye.

The Impact of Scleritis on Eye Health

In essence, scleritis disrupts the comforting tranquillity of the eye's structural anatomy. The sclera, which usually serves as a protective shield for delicate internal parts, becomes a source of discomfort and potential harm. This disruption stretches beyond mere physical pain, with potential implications for visual capability and overall eye health.

Causes and Risk Factors

There are several known causes and risk factors associated with scleritis:

  1. Autoimmune diseases: One key player is autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions can incite an inflammatory response within the body that inadvertently attacks healthy cells in the eyes.

  2. Systemic vasculitic conditions: Diseases causing inflammation and damage to blood vessels also contribute to the onset of this ocular condition.

  3. Infections: Whether bacterial or viral, infections can likewise incite inflammation in the sclera.

  4. Eye trauma: Trauma to the eye is another notable cause of scleritis, which could be due to either surgical interventions or external injuries.

While it's essential to identify these primary causes and risk factors for appropriate treatment strategies, it's equally important not to overlook other potential contributors like certain fungal or parasite infections that can also provoke this ocular condition. All top Calgary Optometrists will review the above during case history taken during the eye exam. This is done during an emergency eye exam and even comprehensive walk-in eye exams.

Recognizing the Symptoms

Identifying the symptoms of scleritis is critical for timely diagnosis and treatment. The hallmark symptom that often brings patients to seek medical attention is severe eye pain. This discomfort can range from a dull ache to an intense, debilitating sensation that might worsen with eye movement.

The visual manifestation of scleritis includes a distinct red eye appearance. Unlike the uniform redness seen in conjunctivitis, the redness associated with scleritis is typically localized and has a deep violet hue due to inflammation of the underlying scleral vessels.

Patients may also report blurry vision, which can occur due to the inflammation's effect on the eye's shape or associated ocular conditions such as uveitis that can accompany scleritis. In some cases, the inflammation can extend to affect other parts of the eye, leading to complications that disrupt normal vision.

An itchy eye sensation is less common but can sometimes accompany scleritis as part of an allergic response or concurrent ocular surface disease. However, it should be noted that itchiness is not a definitive indicator of scleritis and should be evaluated in conjunction with other symptoms.

Symptoms may present in one or both eyes and include:

  • Persistent and severe eye pain

  • Red eye, especially noticeable in the white part of the eye

  • Blurry vision or decreased vision

  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia)

  • Watering or tearing of the eye

Given these symptoms' potential impact on quality of life and vision, individuals experiencing these signs should seek prompt evaluation by an optometrist. Early intervention and management are crucial for mitigating complications and preserving visual function. If you have any of the above symptoms, it’s time to give our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall a call and book yourself in for a emergency eye exam walk-in.

Importance of Immediate Medical Attention for Scleritis

Scleritis is a serious eye condition that needs urgent care. It causes inflammation in the sclera, which is the white outer layer of the eye. If not treated promptly, this inflammation can quickly get worse and lead to discomfort and even vision loss. One of the main reasons why scleritis is considered a medical emergency is because it can cause permanent damage if left untreated.

The pain from scleritis is not your typical eye pain; it's often described as deep, severe, and sometimes spreading to other areas like the face or head. This is not a condition that you can just ignore or treat with over-the-counter remedies. You need to see an eye doctor right away for an emergency eye exam. They will assess how severe the inflammation is, look for any underlying causes, and start the appropriate treatment.

Why Immediate Attention Matters

It's crucial to understand why immediate attention matters when it comes to scleritis:

  1. Preventing Vision Loss: Scleritis can lead to complications that affect your vision. By seeking immediate medical attention, you increase the chances of preserving your eyesight.

  2. Managing Pain: The intense pain caused by scleritis can significantly impact your quality of life. Getting prompt treatment can help alleviate this pain and improve your overall well-being. Calgary Optometrists have the ability to prescribe you medications for your eye pain.

  3. Addressing Underlying Conditions: In some cases, scleritis may be a symptom of an underlying systemic condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Early diagnosis and management of these conditions are essential for better long-term health outcomes.

Calgary's Optometric Community: A Trusted Resource

In Calgary, individuals experiencing symptoms of scleritis are fortunate to have access to a strong network of Optometrists. These highly skilled professionals specialize in recognizing and treating complex eye conditions like scleritis. They have advanced diagnostic tools and the necessary expertise to start appropriate interventions promptly.

Key Benefits of Choosing Calgary's Optometrists:

  1. Timely Care: Optometrists in Calgary prioritize the needs of patients with potential scleritis symptoms, ensuring they receive prompt attention and care.

  2. Comprehensive Approach: Beyond diagnosing and treating scleritis, Optometrists also play a crucial role in educating patients about symptom management and reducing the risk of complications.

  3. Collaborative Care: Calgary's Optometrists work closely with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive management for patients. This collaboration is particularly important when dealing with cases where scleritis is associated with systemic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

Scleritis is not a condition that you can afford to wait and see if it gets better on its own. Its aggressive nature requires immediate medical attention. If you have persistent, deep eye pain accompanied by redness or changes in your vision, don't hesitate to reach out to a top Calgary Optometrist near you.

Remember: Early detection, prompt treatment.

Diagnostic Procedures for Scleritis

The pathway to effectively managing scleritis starts with an accurate diagnosis. In the hands of our experienced Optometrists at Southcentre Mall, Calgary, the diagnosis of scleritis becomes a streamlined process. This involves a comprehensive eye exam and several specialized tests, tailored to detect and assess the severity of this ocular inflammation.

Thorough Eye Examination

The initial step in diagnosing scleritis is a thorough eye examination. This enables the Optometrist to evaluate eye health, focusing on the detection of any abnormality in the eye structures. An integral part of this examination is visual acuity testing done using an eye exam chart. Through this test, Calgary Optometrists assess how well each eye can see by using a standardized chart or card featuring letters of varying sizes.

Slit-Lamp Examination

Another critical component in the diagnostic process is the slit-lamp examination. This non-invasive procedure allows for a detailed look at the different parts of the eye under high magnification. With its bright light source, the slit lamp can reveal any inflammation or damage to the sclera and other eye structures - telltale signs of scleritis.

Advanced Imaging with 3D Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Scan

To enhance diagnostic accuracy and precision, our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic also employs advanced imaging technologies such as 3D Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scan. This cutting-edge tool generates high-resolution images of the eyes' internal structures, aiding in early detection and monitoring progression of conditions like scleritis. This is the same technology that retina specialists in Calgary use.

A 3D OCT scan offers numerous advantages:

  1. It provides a detailed cross-sectional view of the eye's layers, enhancing understanding of disease impact.

  2. It aids in determining scleritis type - anterior or posterior - based on observed inflammation location.

  3. It facilitates timely intervention by revealing potential complications associated with scleritis like retinal detachment and glaucoma.

Comprehensive Approach for Accurate Diagnosis

To sum up, our holistic approach towards diagnosing scleritis integrates multiple diagnostic modalities - from initial visual acuity testing to advanced imaging techniques like 3D OCT scan. This ensures a thorough assessment, accurate diagnosis, and consequently, the most effective treatment plan for our patients.

Treating Scleritis: Approaches and Medications

The main goal of treating scleritis is to:

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Relieve eye pain

  • Prevent complications that could lead to vision loss

In many cases, scleritis is caused by an autoimmune condition. This means that both Optometrists and rheumatologists often need to work together to provide the best care possible. By combining their expertise, they can develop a treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of each patient. Some of the best Calgary Optometrists are at the leading edge of healthcare in treating this condition and contributing positively to the circle of care for their patients.

Key Treatment Options for Scleritis:

1. Steroid Eye Drops:

  • Used for mild cases of anterior scleritis

  • Reduce inflammation directly at the affected area

  • Dosage and duration of use depend on the severity of the condition and how well the patient responds to treatment

2. Systemic Corticosteroids:

  • Prescribed for more severe or widespread inflammation

  • Oral corticosteroids may be used if eye drops alone are not enough

  • Close monitoring is necessary to watch out for potential side effects

3. Immunosuppressive Drugs:

  • Considered when corticosteroids are not effective or cannot be used

  • Examples include methotrexate, azathioprine, and cyclophosphamide

  • These medications target the underlying autoimmune condition that is causing the scleritis

There are also new treatments being studied that show promise in managing scleritis. These treatments involve using biological agents that specifically target parts of the immune system responsible for causing inflammation. As more research is done, these options may become available for patients who do not respond well to traditional treatments.

The choice of medication depends on various factors such as the type of scleritis, underlying causes, and individual patient characteristics. For example, if an infection is causing the scleritis, antibiotics or antiviral medications will be included in the treatment plan.

It's important for patients to know that managing scleritis can take time. It often involves:

  • Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals

  • Adjustments to medications based on how well they are working and any side effects experienced

This ongoing monitoring helps ensure that the treatment remains effective as the condition changes over time.

Alberta Health Care Coverage for Emergency Eye Exams

Eye health is often overlooked until an emergency arises. Alberta Health Care understands the critical importance of immediate ocular attention, particularly for conditions like scleritis, and has provisions to lessen the financial burden of such emergencies.

Emergency Eye Exam cost in Calgary

Alberta Health Care provides coverage for eye exams in certain circumstances. This means that through the coverage, you may get a free eye exam. This includes situations where individuals are experiencing urgent ocular conditions that require immediate medical attention. Scleritis, with its severe eye pain and potential vision loss, falls under this category. In Alberta, we are fortunate that the eye exam cost for emergency situations is covered.

Here's how Alberta Health Care helps:

  1. Eye Exam Cost in Calgary: Alberta Health Care offers free eye exams for specific demographics and medical conditions. For instance, individuals under 19 or over 65 years of age, as well as those with specified medical conditions, are eligible for a fully covered annual eye exam.

  2. Emergency Eye Care Cost: When it comes to ocular emergencies like scleritis, Alberta Health Care provides coverage for the necessary examinations. Patients experiencing sudden vision changes, eye pain or other symptoms indicative of an urgent eye condition can avail these benefits.

The system aims to ensure that no Albertan neglects their eye health due to financial constraints. The provision of these services ensures ease of access to quality care in time-sensitive situations.

Remember - Early detection and treatment can make a significant difference in managing scleritis and preserving vision. So don't delay seeking professional help if you experience any alarming symptoms. Our top Eye Doctors at Southcentre Mall are here to assist you. Call our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic to speak to a qualified Optometrist.

Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, Calgary

Calgary has many eye clinics, but our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall stands out for its advanced eye care facilities and team of expert Optometrists. This modern eye clinic is more than just a place for vision checks and glasses prescriptions – it's a trusted provider of comprehensive vision care services.

What Makes Our Eye Clinic Special?

To understand what sets our eye clinic apart, let's explore its key features:

1. Cutting-Edge Diagnostics

Equipped with the latest diagnostic tools, our clinic offers accurate and efficient diagnoses for various eye conditions, including scleritis. We use advanced technologies like 3D OCT scans to ensure our patients receive the most precise care possible.

2. Expert Optometrists

Our team consists of highly qualified Calgary Optometrists who have extensive experience in diagnosing and managing complex eye conditions. They are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in eye health through continuous professional development.

3. Specialized Scleritis Care

Scleritis is a serious eye condition that requires immediate attention. Our Calgary Optometrists have in-depth knowledge and experience in diagnosing and treating this condition effectively, helping patients preserve their vision.

By offering a wide range of services all in one place, our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall is the top choice for anyone seeking quality vision care in Calgary. When you trust your eyes to us, you're putting your vision in the hands of professionals who genuinely care about your eye health and overall well-being.

Comprehensive Scleritis Care: A Patient-Centric Approach at Our Clinic

At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, Calgary, we prioritize providing patient-centric care for scleritis. This means that we focus on the individual needs of each patient and offer a comprehensive approach to managing their condition. Our goal is to not only alleviate symptoms but also improve overall visual health in a way that is personalized and effective.

How We Provide Patient-Centric Care for Scleritis

1. Personalized Treatment Plans

Every case of scleritis is unique, as it is influenced by factors such as the person's overall health, lifestyle, and underlying cause of the condition. Our Calgary Eye Doctors take these factors into account when creating treatment plans, ensuring that they are tailored to address each patient's specific needs.

2. Holistic Health Considerations

We understand that scleritis can sometimes be a sign of underlying systemic conditions. That's why we take a holistic view of our patients' health, collaborating closely with other healthcare providers to investigate and address any potential root causes beyond just the ocular symptoms.

3. Education and Support

Managing scleritis involves more than just medical treatment; it also requires knowledge and self-care strategies. We provide comprehensive education on disease management and prevention techniques, empowering our patients to play an active role in their visual health journey.

4. Advanced Therapeutic Options

In our commitment to staying at the forefront of eye care, we leverage the latest advancements in ocular therapy to offer a wide range of treatment options for scleritis. This includes both traditional medications and innovative interventions, ensuring that our patients have access to the most effective modalities available.

Scleritis can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life, which is why our dedicated team goes above and beyond to provide ongoing support and monitoring for long-term well-being. By embracing a patient-centric approach, we not only aim to relieve symptoms but also strive to preserve and enhance visual function for years to come.


Scleritis is a severe eye condition that needs immediate medical attention. If you have eye pain, red eyes, or blurry vision, don't hesitate to search for the best Calgary Optometrist right away.

Our leading Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, Calgary, is here to help. Our experienced team of Calgary Optometrists have extensive training in diagnosing and treating complex eye conditions like scleritis. With advanced diagnostic tools and a patient-focused approach, we aim to provide thorough and personalized eye care services.


  • Early diagnosis and treatment of scleritis are crucial - Acting quickly can greatly reduce the chances of vision loss and other problems.

  • We're here to offer expert care - Come to our eye clinic for specialized treatment if you have symptoms of scleritis.

Taking care of your eyesight is essential. Don't let scleritis hold you back. Our team at Southcentre Mall is dedicated to protecting your vision and ensuring your overall health. Rely on our knowledge for the best possible results when dealing with this serious eye condition. Call our Eye Clinic in Calgary today to book an emergency eye exam walk-in with one of our top Eye Doctors.