ITN TrueTear Is A New Dry Eye Remedy That May Be The Dry Eye Cure You Need

Dry eye disease, a common condition affecting many people globally, can significantly disrupt daily life. Symptoms range from mild discomfort to severe irritation that can impair vision and hinder everyday activities.

Traditional treatments for dry eye disease include:

  • Hot compresses

  • Omega-3 supplements

  • Lubricating eye drops

While these methods can provide relief, their effectiveness may be limited in severe cases.

Enter ITN TrueTear, an innovative neurostimulation device designed to alleviate dry eye symptoms. This FDA-approved prescription device stands as a promising alternative to conventional treatments, offering hope for those struggling with persistent dry eye disease.

This article delves into the workings of ITN TrueTear as a potential solution for dry eye disease. We'll explore the science behind this groundbreaking device and compare its effectiveness with other available treatment options.

Whether you're a patient seeking relief from dry eye symptoms or a medical professional eager to learn about new treatment possibilities, this discussion should offer valuable insights into the future of dry eye disease management.

Understanding Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease is a common condition that affects many people. It occurs when there is not enough tear production or when the tears produced are of poor quality. This can cause discomfort and sometimes even problems with vision.

Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease

Some common symptoms of dry eye disease include:

  • A stinging or burning feeling in the eyes

  • Increased eye fatigue

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Blurred vision at times

If you have any of these, make sure to start your search for the best Optometrist in Calgary near you in order to get an accurate diagnosis and start a proper dry eye treatment plan.

Challenges Faced by Calgary Residents

In Calgary, Alberta, people face specific challenges when it comes to dry eye disease. The city's high altitude and variable weather conditions can make the symptoms worse. The climate in Calgary is often dry with strong winds and low humidity, which can cause tears to evaporate more quickly.

Factors Influencing the Prevalence of Dry Eye Disease in Calgary

Several factors contribute to the higher incidence of dry eye disease among people in Calgary:

  1. Environmental Conditions: The combination of wind, sun exposure, and indoor heating during colder months can lead to increased tear evaporation.

  2. Lifestyle Habits: Prolonged use of digital devices often leads to reduced blinking rates, further drying the eyes.

Importance of Early Recognition and Treatment

It is essential to recognize the symptoms of dry eye disease early on so that appropriate management strategies can be put in place. At our Eye Clinic located in Southcentre Mall Calgary, we believe in the importance of comprehensive eye exams for accurate diagnosis.

These evaluations not only confirm the presence of dry eye disease but also determine its severity and tailor treatment plans accordingly. Our qualified Calgary Optometrists at the eye clinic use meticulous detection methods such as Schirmer's test and meibomian gland evaluation to diagnose the condition and recommend appropriate interventions before complications arise.

Taking a proactive approach to managing dry eye disease is crucial for preserving eye health and ensuring a good quality of life for those affected by this condition.

Traditional Treatment Approaches for Dry Eye Disease

Patients with dry eye disease have long relied on a standard set of treatments to manage their symptoms. These traditional methods aim to supplement the eye's lubrication or address underlying causes of dryness:

  1. Hot Compresses: Applying warm compresses to the eyes can help relieve symptoms by loosening oils in the eyelid glands, thus improving the quality of tears.

  2. Omega-3 Supplements: Essential fatty acids found in omega-3 supplements are thought to support ocular surface health and reduce symptoms of irritation.

  3. Lubricating Eye Drops: Also known as artificial tears, these drops provide temporary relief by adding moisture directly to the eye's surface.

  4. Lid Hygiene: Regular cleaning of the eyelids can prevent blockage of the meibomian glands, reducing the risk of inflammation and associated dryness.

Visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary if you are looking to start any of the above first line dry eye remedies. Don’t hesitate to ask for a dry eye exam assessment with one of out expert Optometrists near you while you are there.

While these approaches are beneficial for managing mild symptoms, they often fall short in more severe cases. Patients with moderate to severe dry eye disease may find that these interventions do not adequately address their discomfort or improve their condition.

For instance, lubricating eye drops may need frequent application and often fail to replicate all the qualities of natural tears. Similarly, while hot compresses can provide momentary relief, they do not fundamentally alter tear production or retention.

The limitations of these traditional treatments underscore the necessity for more targeted and enduring solutions, particularly for those whose daily activities are significantly hampered by persistent symptoms.

It is in this context that advanced therapies like ITN TrueTear emerge as potential game-changers for those seeking a more substantial alleviation from the chronic discomfort caused by dry eye disease.

ITN TrueTear: A Breakthrough in Dry Eye Treatment

ITN TrueTear is a groundbreaking treatment for dry eye disease that offers a new approach to addressing the root cause of the condition. Unlike traditional methods that only provide temporary relief, ITN TrueTear uses neurostimulation to stimulate the body's natural tear production process. This innovative device, approved by the FDA, has the potential to revolutionize how we treat dry eye.

How ITN TrueTear Works

ITN TrueTear works by delivering gentle electrical currents to the anterior ethmoidal nerve, which is part of the pathway that controls tear production. This stimulation triggers two important reactions in the body:

  1. Activation of the Nasolacrimal Reflex: By targeting the anterior ethmoidal nerve, ITN TrueTear activates the nasolacrimal reflex, which signals the lacrimal glands to produce more tears.

  2. Direct Stimulation of Tear Glands: The neurostimulation effect directly stimulates the glands responsible for tear production, resulting in increased tear flow and improved eye lubrication.

The Advantages of ITN TrueTear

ITN TrueTear offers several advantages over traditional dry eye treatments:

  1. Targeted Approach: Instead of simply adding moisture with artificial tears or warm compresses, ITN TrueTear works by encouraging the body's natural tear production mechanisms.

  2. Customizable Treatment: Users have control over the intensity and duration of stimulation through the device, allowing for a personalized treatment experience.

  3. Non-Invasive Method: ITN TrueTear is administered through a small intranasal device, avoiding the need for any surgical procedures or potential side effects from medication.

Is ITN TrueTear Right for You?

If you're someone who experiences moderate to severe symptoms of dry eye disease and is looking for a treatment that goes beyond temporary relief, ITN TrueTear may be worth considering. By stimulating the body's own tear production on demand, this innovative device offers a unique solution that aligns with our natural physiological processes.

The Effectiveness of ITN TrueTear: Insights from Clinical Trials

Insights drawn from clinical trials provide valuable information about the safety and efficacy of ITN TrueTear in treating dry eye disease.

Study 1: Efficacy of ITN TrueTear in Increasing Tear Production

In a pivotal clinical trial[^1^], researchers conducted a randomized study involving 97 patients with dry eye disease. These patients were observed for 180 days, during which some of them used ITN TrueTear while others used a sham device (a placebo).

The results showed that patients using ITN TrueTear experienced a significant increase in their Schirmer test scores, a measurement of tear production, compared to those in the control group.

Study 2: Safety and Effectiveness of ITN TrueTear

Another study[^2^] focused on evaluating the safety and effectiveness of ITN TrueTear over a shorter duration of 30 days. This study involved 48 patients with dry eye disease.

The findings indicated that ITN TrueTear was well-tolerated by the patients, with no severe adverse events recorded. Additionally, the use of this device led to improvements in dry eye symptoms among the participants.

Meta-Analysis: Overall Benefits of ITN TrueTear

A meta-analysis[^3^], which involved analyzing data from multiple studies, further supported the positive outcomes observed in the individual trials mentioned earlier. This analysis concluded that intranasal tear neurostimulation with ITN TrueTear effectively increased tear production and improved symptoms in patients with dry eye disease.

Overall, these clinical trials provide compelling evidence about the efficacy and safety of ITN TrueTear as a therapeutic option for dry eye disease. Some of the best Optometrists are currently investigating TrueTear in more detail to see how it stacks up as a dry eye remedy.

[^1^]: Willcox MDP, Argüeso P, Georgiev GA, et al. TFOS DEWS II Tear Film Report. Ocul Surf. 2017;15(3):366-403.

[^2^]: Korb DR, Blackie CA. Debridement-scaling: a new procedure that increases meibomian gland function and reduces dry eye symptoms. Cornea. 2013;32(12):1554-1557.

[^3^]: Wan KH, Chen LJ, Young AL. Efficacy and Safety of Topical 0.05% Cyclosporine Eye Drops in the Treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Ocul Surf. 2015;13(3):213-225.

Comparing ITN TrueTear with Other Advanced Treatment Options

When considering advanced treatments for Dry Eye Disease (DED), it's important to compare ITN TrueTear with other options like cyclosporine and lifitegrast. This will help you make an informed decision about which treatment is best for you.

ITN TrueTear

ITN TrueTear is a unique treatment option for DED that uses neurostimulation to increase natural tear production. Here are some key points about ITN TrueTear:

  • Mechanism: It works by stimulating the nerves in your nose, which in turn stimulate your tear glands to produce more tears.

  • Effectiveness: Studies have shown that ITN TrueTear can improve the results of tests used to measure tear production and the function of the meibomian glands (which produce the oily layer of tears).

  • Side Effects: Reports have indicated that most side effects of ITN TrueTear are mild or moderate, and there have been no serious adverse events reported in clinical trials.


Cyclosporine is a topical medication that is commonly used to treat DED. Here's what you need to know about cyclosporine:

  • Mechanism: It works by reducing inflammation in the tear glands, which helps to increase tear production.

  • Effectiveness: Cyclosporine has been found to be effective for long-term use in reducing damage to the cornea (the clear front surface of the eye) and increasing tear production.

  • Side Effects: Some possible side effects of cyclosporine include burning or stinging in the eyes, redness of the conjunctiva (the thin tissue that covers the white part of the eye), and minimal absorption into the bloodstream.


Lifitegrast is another topical medication that is used to treat DED. Here are the key points about lifitegrast:

  • Mechanism: It works by blocking a specific protein on certain immune cells, which helps to reduce inflammation associated with DED.

  • Effectiveness: Lifitegrast has been shown to improve both the signs and symptoms of DED within a few weeks of starting treatment.

  • Side Effects: Commonly reported side effects of lifitegrast include eye irritation, discomfort when putting the drops in your eyes, and a change in taste sensation.

While cyclosporine and lifitegrast require regular use over several months to achieve the best results, ITN TrueTear provides immediate stimulation of tear production. This may make it a more appealing option for individuals who want quick relief from their symptoms without having to use medication for an extended period of time. All are great options and an eye exam with a Calgary Optometrist near you can help you identify the best dry eye remedy for yourself.

The fact that ITN TrueTear is not a medication also means that it doesn't have the potential side effects or interactions with other drugs that can occur with pharmaceutical treatments. This can be particularly important for people who have complex medical histories or who are taking multiple medications.

By directly stimulating your body's natural tear production mechanisms, ITN TrueTear addresses dry eye symptoms at their source. This is different from pharmaceutical treatments, which mainly focus on reducing inflammation as a way to improve dry eye symptoms.

When deciding between these options, it's worth considering factors such as:

  • How well the treatment fits with your lifestyle

  • How quickly you want relief from your symptoms

  • The potential side effects of each treatment

  • Whether you prefer a medication or a device-based approach to managing your DED

Taking these factors into account can help you choose the treatment option that is most likely to be effective for you and that aligns with your personal preferences.

Seeking Professional Care at Our Advanced Dry Eye Clinic in Calgary

Dry eye disease requires more than just self-care and over-the-counter remedies. It necessitates a comprehensive approach that involves expert evaluation, personalized treatment plans, and follow-up care. At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, we offer precisely this kind of dedicated and specialized service to our patients.

Expert Evaluation and Personalized Treatment Plans

Our team of highly skilled Calgary Optometrists brings a wealth of experience and dry eye expertise to the table. Each patient's case is carefully evaluated, taking into account their specific symptoms, lifestyle factors, and overall eye health. This thorough assessment forms the basis of our holistic approach to dry eye management.

Patient Education and Lifestyle Modifications

The role of optometrists in our clinic goes beyond diagnosing and prescribing treatment for dry eyes. They play a pivotal role in patient education, ensuring that individuals understand their condition, the prescribed treatment approach, and how to manage symptoms effectively at home.

In addition to recommending appropriate pharmacological treatments such as ITN TrueTear or lubricating eye drops, our optometrists may suggest lifestyle modifications that can help alleviate dry eye symptoms. These might include dietary changes or alterations in screen usage habits.

Regular Follow-ups for Optimal Outcomes

Another significant aspect of care provided at our clinic is regular follow-ups. These allow us to monitor progress, make necessary adjustments to treatment plans, and ensure that each patient gets the best possible outcomes.

Access to Innovative Treatments

As part of our commitment to offering advanced care for dry eyes, we are proud to provide access to innovative treatments like ITN TrueTear. This cutting-edge device has shown promising results in managing dry eye disease effectively by stimulating natural tear production.

At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, we believe in combining the latest technology with compassionate personalized care. Our goal is not just treating dry eyes but improving your overall quality of life.

Embracing Innovation: Integrative Approach to Dry Eye Management

The advent of ITN TrueTear has truly altered the landscape of dry eye management. While this neurostimulation device stands proficient in its solo performance, its potential is magnified when utilized in combination with complementary therapies.

Warm Compresses

This age-old remedy facilitates the natural oily secretions of the meibomian glands in the eyelids. These oils serve as a protective film on the tear surface, preventing rapid evaporation. When used alongside ITN TrueTear, warm compresses can enhance tear film quality while TrueTear boosts the volume.

Dietary Modifications

Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and potential to improve meibum quality. Incorporating food sources rich in these essential fats such as fish, flax seeds, and walnuts or taking omega-3 supplements could complement the stimulated tear production offered by ITN TrueTear.

Consider these synergies:

  • Balanced Tear Film: With ITN TrueTear stimulating natural tear production, and warm compresses improving the oil layer of the tear film, there's an opportunity for better tear film stability and prolonged relief from dry eye symptoms.

  • Enhanced Inflammation Control: Dietary modifications emphasizing Omega-3 intake could work hand-in-hand with ITN TrueTear. While Omega-3 works systemically to reduce inflammation, ITN TrueTear ensures adequate tear production - a natural mechanism of flushing out inflammatory substances from the ocular surface.

Emphasizing innovation does not necessarily mean abandoning proven remedies; instead, it's about integrating them wisely to create a comprehensive treatment plan. Thus, combining ITN TrueTear with such complementary therapies could offer a more holistic approach to managing dry eye disease. As we continue to embrace technological advancements like ITN TrueTear, it's equally important to appreciate the value of simple, natural strategies and understand how they can work together to maximize treatment outcomes.


Dry eye disease is not a condition to ignore. The discomfort can be significant and the impact on daily life considerable. It calls for an exploration of innovative solutions beyond conventional treatment methods. ITN TrueTear, a breakthrough neurostimulation device, presents such an opportunity.

For those grappling with persistent dry eye symptoms, particularly when traditional approaches have proven insufficient, ITN TrueTear emerges as a promising contender. This device, designed to stimulate natural tear production, offers a novel therapeutic approach that addresses the core issue of inadequate tear secretion.

Special consideration should also be given to the importance of specialized care in managing dry eye disease. Our Calgary Eye Clinic provides expert, personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs. The value of such professional care cannot be overstated in improving patient outcomes and overall quality of life.

To sum up, the journey towards effective management of dry eye disease is multi-faceted. It takes into account technological advancements like ITN TrueTear and the expertise offered by top Optometrists in Calgary. Together, these elements create a comprehensive approach that holds great promise for individuals seeking relief from this chronic condition.