Visual Field Testing: Essential Tool in Eye Care and Disease Diagnosis

Visual field testing is a cornerstone of ocular health assessments, providing crucial information about the extent of a person’s field of vision and the functionality of their optic nerve. Among the various machines and techniques used for this purpose, the Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer stands out as a leading tool in the field. In this article, we will delve into the details of visual field testing, focusing on the Humphrey system while also mentioning other significant technologies. The Humphrey visual field is considered the gold standard and is the main perimetry test we conduct at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary.

The Importance of Visual Field Testing

Visual field tests measure the full horizontal and vertical range of what an individual can see peripherally. These tests are vital for diagnosing and monitoring various eye conditions, including glaucoma, stroke effects, brain tumours, and other neurological deficits. Even the best Optomertist in Calgary can’t be as accurate at doing a visual field test compared to a machine, thus it’s best to make sure any concerns are screened for properly.

The Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer

The Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer is widely regarded as the gold standard in visual field testing. It uses automated perimetry to map the visual fields, detecting blind spots (scotomas), peripheral vision loss, and other abnormalities. The Humphrey system provides detailed reports that help in diagnosing and tracking the progression of eye diseases.

How the Humphrey System Works

During a Humphrey visual field test, the patient sits in front of the machine and looks into a dome-shaped instrument. Small lights of varying intensities appear in different parts of the field of view, and the patient presses a button whenever they see a light. The machine then compiles this data to create a map of the patient’s visual field.

Other Visual Field Testing Machines

While the Humphrey system is prominent, other visual field analyzers are also used in clinical practice:

  • Goldmann Perimetry: An older method that requires manual operation, often used for specific cases where automated perimetry is not suitable.

  • Octopus Perimeter: Utilizes a different testing algorithm and is known for its fast testing times.

  • Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) Perimeter: Specifically designed for glaucoma screening and detection.

Applications in Eye Disease Diagnosis

Visual field testing, particularly with the Humphrey system, is crucial in diagnosing and managing various eye conditions:

  • Glaucoma: Detects early peripheral vision loss, a key indicator of glaucoma.

  • Neurological Disorders: Helps in identifying vision loss due to brain tumours, stroke, or other neurological issues.

  • Retinal Diseases: Assesses the impact of diseases like retinitis pigmentosa on peripheral vision.

Visual Field Testing in an Eye Exam

During a comprehensive eye exam, an Optometrist may include visual field testing, especially if there are risk factors for glaucoma or neurological conditions. In Calgary and other areas, clinics are equipped with visual field analyzers, including the Humphrey system, to provide thorough assessments.

The Procedure and Patient Experience

Visual field tests are non-invasive and painless, typically lasting around 2-8 minutes. Patients must be able to focus and respond to the stimuli throughout the test, which can be challenging for some, especially the elderly or those with concentration difficulties.

Cost and Accessibility

The cost of visual field testing can vary depending on the location and the specific test performed. In Alberta we are fortunate as patients who require a visual field test will have it covered under Alberta Health Care. This means you can confidently visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall and feel comfortable that you won’t have to pay if one of our Calgary Optometrists has deemed the test necessary. Patients should inquire about the availability and cost of these tests when scheduling their eye exams.

The Role of Visual Field Testing in Eye Care

Regular eye exams, including visual field tests, are essential for early detection and management of eye diseases. Patients in Calgary can access these tests at various eye clinics and care centres, ensuring comprehensive eye care.


Visual field testing is an indispensable part of modern eye care, crucial for diagnosing and monitoring a wide range of ocular and neurological conditions. The Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer, along with other systems, provides Optometrists and Ophthalmologists with detailed insights into a patient’s visual field, aiding in effective treatment planning. Whether at an eye clinic in downtown Calgary or elsewhere, incorporating visual field testing into regular eye care routines is vital for maintaining optimal eye health. I will mention again, that even the best Optometrist in Calgary uses this testing to ensure their diagnosis and screening is accurate. For any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary, Alberta.