Vitreous Hemorrhage: New Diagnostic Tools Used Regularly At Our Eye Clinic In Southcentre Mall Calgary

Vitreous hemorrhage is a serious eye condition where blood leaks into the vitreous cavity, posing a significant threat to vision. It affects approximately 7 out of every 100,000 people and requires immediate attention from experienced Optometrists.

At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, our Calgary Optometrists use their extensive knowledge to diagnose and treat vitreous hemorrhage. They prioritize thorough eye exams and use advanced technology like the 3D OCT scan to ensure the best possible eye care.

This article will explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and urgent care options for vitreous hemorrhage. We will also highlight how our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall utilizes advanced diagnostic tools like the 3D OCT scan to offer comprehensive eye exams in Calgary.

Additionally, we'll discuss Alberta Health Care's coverage for emergency eye exams, emphasizing that high-quality eye care services are available even during emergencies.

Let's dive into this complex eye condition together and discover how our clinic's personalized approach can help manage it effectively.

Understanding Vitreous Hemorrhage

Understanding the anatomy of the eye is key to grasping the significance of vitreous hemorrhage. Nestled within the eye, you will find a clear, gel-like substance called vitreous humor. Taking up approximately 80% of the eye's volume, it plays a crucial role in maintaining the shape of the eyeball and ensuring its normal functioning.

The issue at hand, vitreous hemorrhage, occurs when blood leaks into this vitreous humor. This condition can be quite alarming as it directly impacts one's vision. When light enters your eye, it must pass through the vitreous humor to reach your retina – the light-sensitive layer at the back of your eye. A vitreous hemorrhage can cloud this normally clear pathway and obstruct light from reaching the retina, leading to visual disturbances.

Several conditions can cause vitreous hemorrhage, with retinal vascular disorders being one of the most common culprits. These disorders, which affect the blood vessels in your retina, may result in abnormal blood vessel growth and bleeding within the eye.

Trauma or injury is another risk factor that can lead to vitreous hemorrhage. Any severe blow to the eye can rupture blood vessels and cause bleeding into the vitreous humor.

In summary:

  • Vitreous humor is integral for maintaining ocular health and normal vision.

  • Vitreous hemorrhage occurs when blood leaks into this gel-like substance.

  • Common causes include retinal vascular disorders and trauma.

  • This condition leads to visual disturbances due to obstruction of light reaching the retina.

By understanding these aspects of vitreous hemorrhage, we're well-equipped to delve into its symptoms and diagnostic approaches in our next section. If you have further questions, we encourage you to call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to discuss with one of our top Optometrists.

Symptoms of Vitreous Hemorrhage

Individuals experiencing vitreous hemorrhage may report a range of symptoms that can significantly affect their vision. These symptoms typically include:

  • Floaters: Sudden appearance of spots or cobweb-like strands that drift through the field of vision.

  • Visual Disturbances: Blurry vision, shadows, or a complete vision loss if the bleeding is substantial.

While eye pain and red eye are less commonly associated with vitreous hemorrhage, any changes in vision warrant immediate attention from an Optometrist. If you are having any concerns, make sure to do a quick search for the best Calgary Optometrist near you and head over to their Calgary Eye Clinic.

The Importance of Timely Diagnosis

The importance of timely diagnosis cannot be overstated in the context of vitreous hemorrhage. Comprehensive eye exams are critical to identify the source of visual impairment and to initiate appropriate treatment. During these exams, patients undergo various assessments designed to reveal abnormalities within the eye's structures.

New Diagnostic Tools for Vitreous Hemorrhage

In recent years, advanced diagnostic tools have revolutionized our ability to detect and evaluate cases of vitreous hemorrhage. Among these:

  1. 3D OCT Scan (Optical Coherence Tomography): Provides high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retina, helping to pinpoint areas affected by bleeding.

  2. B-scan Ultrasonography: Offers a two-dimensional image used when dense hemorrhage prevents visualization of the retina, capable of detecting retinal detachments or tears.

  3. Fluorescein Angiography: Involves injecting a dye into the bloodstream and taking photographs as it travels through retinal vessels, highlighting abnormalities.

These sophisticated imaging techniques enable Calgary Eye Doctors at Eye Clinics in Calgary to diagnose vitreous hemorrhages with greater accuracy and detail than ever before.

Treatment Options and Prognosis

When you have vitreous hemorrhage, the treatment plan will be tailored to address the specific underlying cause. If a retinal tear or detachment is found, immediate surgery may be needed to prevent further vision loss. For other causes like diabetic retinopathy or retinal vein occlusion, treatments may focus on managing the overall condition to prevent more bleeding. You may also need to see a retina specialist in Calgary.

Surgical Treatments

Among surgical options, pars plana vitrectomy is the main procedure for clearing the blood from the vitreous cavity and treating any underlying retinal problems. During this procedure, small cuts are made in the white part of the eye (sclera) to remove the gel-like substance (vitreous) and blood. This not only clears up the bleeding but also allows for repair of any retinal issues causing the problem. A retina specialist in Calgary will often be the one to do this procedure.

Factors Affecting Outlook

The outlook for people with vitreous hemorrhage can vary depending on:

  • The amount and duration of bleeding

  • The presence and severity of underlying retinal disease

  • The success of surgical treatments

  • The overall health of the optic nerve

It's important to know that getting prompt treatment improves outcomes, so immediate care is crucial.

The Need for Regular Eye Check-ups

Regular follow-up visits with Calgary Optometrists are essential for monitoring your recovery after treatment and making sure your vision is protected. These routine appointments enable eye care professionals to spot any changes early on and adjust your treatment if needed, reducing the risk of complications.

By combining comprehensive management strategies with proactive monitoring, our team of Calgary Eye Doctors at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall strives to improve visual outcomes for patients dealing with vitreous hemorrhage.

Urgent Care: When to See a Calgary Optometrist Near You

If you experience sudden symptoms like sudden vision loss or seeing floaters, it may be a sign of vitreous hemorrhage and require immediate attention. Acting quickly is important to prevent further eye damage and preserve your vision.

Calgary Optometrists are skilled at identifying the signs that require urgent care. When patients come in with symptoms that suggest vitreous hemorrhage, they undergo a thorough evaluation to determine how serious it is and what's causing it. These specialists play a crucial role in:

  1. Swift Diagnosis: Using advanced diagnostic tools, Calgary Optometrists can quickly determine if there's a vitreous hemorrhage.

  2. Referring to Specialized Treatment Centers: If more advanced treatment like surgery is needed, patients are referred to ophthalmologists who specialize in retinal conditions. This is often where retina specialists in Calgary work.

Emergency Eye Clinic at Southcentre Mall

Patients who suspect they have vitreous hemorrhage should know about the emergency eye clinic services available at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall. Here are some important features:

  1. A dedicated team of Calgary Eye Doctors is ready for emergency consultations.

  2. There are advanced diagnostic tools available right on-site.

  3. The process of getting referred to specialized care is made simpler.

Getting medical help promptly can make a big difference in the outcome for people with vitreous hemorrhage. At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, we have qualified Calgary Optometrists who are able to provide urgent care without any delays.


Vitreous hemorrhage is a serious condition that requires immediate and accurate treatment to prevent vision loss. Acting quickly is crucial to minimize long-term damage and improve recovery. At the Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, our team of Calgary Optometrists specializes in managing vitreous hemorrhage using advanced technology.

If you're in Calgary or the surrounding areas, it's important to prioritize your eye health. Whether you're experiencing symptoms of vitreous hemorrhage or simply want to take care of your eyes, our clinic is here for you. By scheduling a comprehensive eye exam, you can:

  • Detect any potential eye problems early on

  • Take preventive measures against future issues

  • Maintain overall eye wellness

Don't wait until it's too late—make an appointment with our experienced Calgary Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall today. We understand how valuable your vision is, and we're committed to helping you safeguard it.